* Add ability to create executor plugins
* Add ability to specify which executor (including multiple executors) to use by default and on a test-specific basis
* Add experimental support for [Miniwdl](https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/miniwdl) executor
* Swtich from delegator.py to [subby](https://github.com/jdidion/subby) for executing subprocesses
* Fixes for path finding - test data and imports are now resolved correctly in the cases of "standard" project setups
* Tests are isolated from any local configuration
* Added ability to specify custom URL scheme handlers, and added a handler for files hosted on DNAnexus
* Fixed the makefile to correctly run all the intended targets
* Lots of fixes and improvements to VCF and BAM comparison (see updated docs)
* Add ability to modify comparison options on DataFiles (set_compare_opts method)
* Add support for arbitrary objects in test_data.json
* Improve comparison of expected to actual values, including support for None, dict, and list values
* Add support for comparing gzipped files, using [xphyle](https://github.com/jdidion/xphyle) to detect file format
* Improve assertion error messages
* Add json data type and add ability to localize dict contents as JS