
Latest version: v7.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 681812 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Adding 266 support for accessing nested items in BoxList using numpy-style tuple indexing (thanks to Bit0r)
* Adding tests and Cython releases for Python 3.12
* Fixing 251 support for circular references in lists (thanks to Muspi Merol)
* Fixing 261 altering all `__repr__` methods so that subclassing will output the correct class name (thanks to Gabriel Tkacz)
* Fixing 267 Fix type 'int' not iterable (thanks to YISH)



* Fixing Cython optimized build deployments for linux



* Adding 255 defer ipython import for large import speed improvements (thanks to Eric Prestat)
* Adding testing for Python 3.12
* Fixing 253 merge_update box list merge types not populated to sub dictionaries (thanks to lei wang)
* Fixing 257 Two test failures due to arguments having incorrect types (thanks to Michał Górny)
* Fixing stub files to match latest code signatures
* Removing 251 support for circular references in lists (thanks to d00m514y3r)
* Removing support for Python 3.7 as it is EOL



* Switching off of poetry due to multiple build issues



* Adding 169 default functions with the box_instance and key parameter (thanks to Коптев Роман Викторович)
* Adding 170 Be able to initialize with a flattened dict - by using DDBox (thanks to Ash A.)
* Adding 192 box_dots treats all keys with periods in them as separate keys (thanks to Rexbard)
* Adding 211 support for properties and setters in subclasses (thanks to Serge Lu and David Aronchick)
* Adding 226 namespace to track changes to the box (thanks to Jacob Hayes)
* Adding 236 iPython detection to prevent adding attribute lookup words (thanks to Nishikant Parmar)
* Adding 238 allow ``|`` and ``+`` for frozen boxes (thanks to Peter B)
* Adding new DDBox class (Default Dots Box) that is a subclass of SBox
* Adding 242 more Cython builds using cibuildwheel (thanks to Jacob Hayes)
* Fixing 235 how ``|`` and ``+`` updates were performed for right operations (thanks to aviveh21)
* Fixing 234 typos (thanks to Martin Schorfmann)
* Fixing no implicit optionals with type hinting
* Removing Cython builds for mac until we can build universal2 wheels for arm M1 macs



* Adding Python 3.11 support
* Adding 195 box_from_string function (thanks to Marcelo Huerta)
* Changing the deprecated ``toml`` package with modern ``tomllib``, ``tomli`` and ``tomli-w`` usage (thanks to Michał Górny)
* Fixing mypy __ior__ type (thanks to Jacob Hayes)
* Fixing line endings with a pre-commit update
* Fixing BoxList was using old style of `super` in internal code usage

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