> ℹ️ **NOTICE**: This is a re-hoist of a previous release due to issues with the stable release pipeline. We have included the v0.0.2 release notes for reference.
:boom: Breaking Changes
* Deprecate Python 3.7 (29) openfinch
:rocket: Features
* Added a new release environment for test.pypi (21) openfinch
* Added base Record type (20) openfinch
* Added defaultable initialisers for types (18) openfinch
* Added specified Date and UTCDate type-helpers (15) openfinch
* Added specified Int and UnsignInt type-helpers (14) openfinch
:construction_worker: Continuous Integration
* Added a new release environment for test.pypi (21) openfinch
:hammer: Refactoring
* Refactors int/uint types to use builtin validation rather than homespun (28) openfinch
* Deprecate Python 3.7 (29) openfinch
:package: Dependencies
* Refactors int/uint types to use builtin validation rather than homespun (28) openfinch
* Deprecate Python 3.7 (29) openfinch
* Bump nox-poetry from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 in /.github/workflows (17) dependabot