
Latest version: v2.1.8

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Lots of little fixes (thanks robbibt and eceguhraterfa!) and updates to the documentation. Moved the table of Doodson coefficients to a JSON file included with the program. Moved all Jupyter notebook examples so that they are rendered in the documentation. Added Cartwright/Tayler/Edden tables of the tidal generating potential for degree 2 and degree 3.

**Itemized Changes:**
* `docs`: fix repository url fetch from `Project-URL`
* `docs`: update `CITATION.cff` to add version information
* `docs`: add more definitions to glossary
* `refactor`: convert Doodson coefficients table to JSON (353)
* `feat`: added option to use Munk-Cartwright admittance interpolation for minor (353)
* `feat`: add [Cartwright and Edden (1973)]( table 1 (#353)
* `feat`: add [Cartwright and Tayler (1971)]( table 5 (#353)
* `feat`: add function to parse Cartwright/Tayler/Edden tables (353)
* `feat`: add functions to calculate UKHO Extended Doodson numbers for constituents (353)
* `test`: add test for extended doodson (353)
* `docs`: add citations to included data (353)
* `fix`: remove default bounds being `None` for 356 (357)
* `docs`: move notebooks to docs and use myst to render (359)
* `fix`: correct error when using default bounds in `extract_constants` for 356 (359)
* `fix`: correct `TPXO10-atlas-v2` binary grid filename for 358 (359)
* `fix`: some [Cartwright and Edden (1973)]( table entries (#359)
* `docs`: use cards for notebook examples page (360)
* `fix`: GOT5.6 names in database and add `'n2'` (360)
* `docs`: set card grid to be either 1, 2 or 4
* `fix`: update `pyproject.toml` for `doc` build
* `fix`: allow variable case for Doodson number formalisms (361)
* `feat`: added property for Extended Doodson numbers (361)
* `fix`: use Love numbers for long-period tides when inferring (won't affect tilt factors) (361)
* `docs`: add form factor notebook for classifying regional tides (361)

**Full Changelog**:


Simplifies the model read functions to have a single wrapper function in `io.model`. Storing the coordinate reference system (CRS) capability for `OTIS` models in the JSON database. Adds inference capability for long-period tide models, and updates the inference of semi-diurnal/diurnal tides for `GOT` models.

**Itemized Changes:**
* `docs`: improve description of optional dependencies in examples
* `fix`: use case insensitive assertions of string argument values (thanks smithb!) (340)
* `feat`: added bounded options for least squares solvers (341)
* `feat`: add `__models__` with all model names in database (341)
* `feat`: add function lists as `__all__` (341)
* `feat`: add [Ray and Erofeeva (2014)]( to the database for #327 (341)
* `feat`: add minor inference for long period tides to address 327 (342)
* `fix`: try inferring both long and short period tides for FES (343)
* `refactor`: using new JSON dictionary format for model projections for 333 (345)
* `docs`: add notebook with a cotidal chart for 344 and 348 (345)
* `docs`: update descriptions of coordinate reference systems
* `feat`: add new functions to infer semi-diurnal and diurnal tides (346)
* `feat`: use PREM as the default Earth model for Love numbers (347)
* `feat`: compute delta times based on corrections type (347)
* `feat`: add wrapper functions to read and interpolate constants (349)
* `tests`: use simplified wrapper functions (349)
* `feat`: updated computation of long-period equilibrium tides (349)
* `feat`: add functions to append node tide equilibrium values to amplitudes (349)
* `fix`: add messaging if there are no minor constituents to infer (349)
* `feat`: can convert Doodson numbers formatted as strings (349)
* `docs`: expand the glossary (349)

**Full Changelog**:


Refactors the project to improve how models are stored using a single JSON database, which are collated from provider JSON files. More models have been added to the database thanks to robbibt! Adds some bug fixes for better backwards compatibility for FES and GOT models.

**Itemized Changes:**
* `refactor`: use JSON database for known model parameters for 328 (329)
* `feat`: added new `TPXO10-atlas-v2` to list of models (329)
* `feat`: generalize hash function to use any available algorithm (329)
* `fix`: use model name in default output filename for definition file case (329)
* `refactor`: create database from providers (329)
* `refactor`: drop support for the ascii definition file format (329)
* `docs`: add model providers section to contributions (329)
* `ci`: add GitHub Action to update `database.json` (330)
* `feat`: Add additional models to provider JSON (331)
* `fix`: add parse constituents back to model load (331)
* `fix`: drop constituents from database (331)
* `ci`: only run `pytest` action if secrets are accessible (331)
* `refactor`: use idealized Azimuthal equidistant for Arctic models (332)
* `fix`: deprecation in case where an array is output to scalars (332)
* `fix`: j1 and theta for FES type models for 335 (336)
* `fix`: nodal corrections for `eps2` and `eta2` when inferring for GOT5.5 (336)
* `feat`: use model class attributes for file format and corrections (336)
* `feat`: add option to select nodal corrections type (336)
* `feat`: export database as `dataclass` (337)
* `docs`: update getting started and `README.rst` (337)
* `test`: add test for reading model database (337)

**Full Changelog**:


Adds new Goddard ocean tide models and the capability to predict for their modeled 3rd degree tides. Refactors the model format names to be more descriptive of the model file format. Adds the auto-detection of definition file format (thanks robbibt!). Refactors the project build to use more modern practices. Adds the capability to predict the horizontal components of the load pole and ocean pole tides (thanks CunrenLiang!).

**Itemized Changes:**
* `feat`: adding GOT5.5 and GOT download program (316)
* `refactor`: renamed format for `ATLAS` to `ATLAS-compact` (316)
* `refactor`: renamed format for `netcdf` to `ATLAS-netcdf` (316)
* `refactor`: renamed format for `FES` to `FES-netcdf` and added `FES-ascii` (316)
* `refactor`: renamed format for `GOT` to `GOT-ascii` and added `GOT-netcdf` (316)
* `feat`: add JSON definition files for GOT5.5D and GOT5.6 (316)
* `feat`: add support for constituents in PERTH5 tables (316)
* `ci`: use upstream matlab TMD for OTIS comparison (316)
* `feat`: include inference of `eps2` and `eta2` with GOT models (319)
* `feat`: add attribute for minor constituents to model object (319)
* `feat`: allow inferring only specific minor constituents (319)
* `feat`: allow searching over iterable `glob` strings in definition files for 318 (319)
* `feat`: add option to auto-detect definition file format for 318 (319)
* `feat`: add back nodal arguments from PERTH3 for backwards compatibility (319)
* `chore`: trim trim trailing whitespace (319)
* `docs`: add GOT5.5 to getting started (319)
* `refactor`: change `'geotiff'` to `'GTiff'` and `'cog'` for 320 (321)
* `chore`: create `pyproject.toml` (321)
* `refactor`: modernize build with `pyproject.toml` (322)
* `feat`: add functions to calculate pole tides in cartesian coordinates for 323 (324)
* `refactor`: renamed io for Desai ocean pole tide file to `IERS` (324)
* `docs`: update prediction functions (324)
* `fix`: don't overwrite ocean pole tide longitude in shift (325)
* `test`: add more ocean pole tide verifications (325)
* `feat`: add ECEF to ENU conversions (326)
* `refactor`: use rotation matrix to convert from Cartesian to spherical (326)

**Full Changelog**:


Adds the ability to crop tide models around a bounding box. This capability can greatly improve computational times, particularly for high-resolution global models (95). This release also fixes an issue for the extrapolated FES2022 data for coastal water bodies, where the model was zeroed out (thanks robbibt!!).

**Itemized Changes:**
- `feat`: added crop and bounds keywords for trimming model data for 95 (313)
- `fix`: `FES2022-extrapolated` outputs have zeroed out inland water bodies for 309 (314)
- `feat`: added option to use JSON format definition files (314)
- `feat`: add definition files for `FES2022-extrapolated` (314)
- `docs`: update definition file text describing new JSON format (315)
- `feat`: include crop in notebook demos (316)
- `refactor`: use `timescale` in notebook demos for temporal operations (316)

**Full Changelog**:


Fixes an issue where the FES2022 coordinates are masked when read from netCDF (thanks robbibt!).

**Itemized Changes:**
* `fix`: extract masked longitudes from FES2022 for 309 (311)
* `feat`: add JSON definition file parsing for 310 (312)
* `docs`: bump `docutils` to latest

**Full Changelog**:

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