
Latest version: v0.2.2

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- Avoided for-loop in `EmbeddingEncoder` ([366](
- Added `image_embedded` and one tabular image dataset ([344](
- Added benchmarking suite for encoders ([360](
- Added dataframe text benchmark script ([354](, [#367](
- Added `DataFrameTextBenchmark` dataset ([349](
- Added support for empty `TensorFrame` ([339](


- Changed a workflow of Encoder's `na_forward` method resulting in performance boost ([364](
- Removed ReLU applied in `FCResidualBlock` ([368](




- Fixed bug in empty `MultiNestedTensor` handling ([369](

- Fixed the split of `DataFrameTextBenchmark` ([358](
- Fixed empty `MultiNestedTensor` col indexing ([355](


- Support more stypes in `LinearModelEncoder` ([325](
- Added `stype_encoder_dict` to some models ([319](
- Added `HuggingFaceDatasetDict` ([287](

- Supported decoder embedding model in `examples/` ([333](
- Removed implicit clones in `StypeEncoder` ([286](



- Fixed `TimestampEncoder` not applying `CyclicEncoder` to cyclic features ([311](
- Fixed NaN masking in `multicateogrical` stype ([307](



- Added support for Boolean masks in `index_select` of `_MultiTensor` [334](
- Added more text documentation ([291](
- Added `col_to_model_cfg` ([270](
- Support saving/loading of GBDT models ([269](
- Added documentation on handling different stypes ([271](
- Added `TimestampEncoder` ([225](
- Added `LightGBM` ([248](
- Added time columns to the `MultimodalTextBenchmark` ([253](
- Added `CyclicEncoding` ([251](
- Added `PositionalEncoding` ([249](
- Added optional `col_names` argument in `StypeEncoder` ([247](
- Added `col_to_text_embedder_cfg` and use `MultiEmbeddingTensor` for `text_embedded` ([246](
- Added `col_encoder_dict` in `StypeWiseFeatureEncoder` ([244](
- Added `LinearEmbeddingEncoder` for `embedding` stype ([243](
- Added support for `torch_frame.text_embedded` in `GBDT` ([239](
- Support `Metric` in `GBDT` ([236](
- Added auto-inference of `stype` ([221](
- Enabled `list` input in `multicategorical` stype ([224](
- Added `Timestamp` stype ([212](
- Added `multicategorical` to `MultimodalTextBenchmark` ([208](
- Added support for saving and loading of `TensorFrame` with complex `stypes`. ([197](
- Added `stype.embedding` ((194)[])
- Added `TensorFrame` concatenation of complex stypes. ([190](
- Added `text_tokenized` example ([174](
- Added Cohere embedding example ([186](
- Added `AmazonFineFoodReviews` dataset and OpenAI embedding example ([182](
- Added save and load logic for `FittableBaseTransform` ([178](
- Added `MultiEmbeddingTensor` ([181](, [#193](, [#198](, [#199](, [#217](
- Added `to_dense()` for `MultiNestedTensor` ([170](
- Added example for `multicategorical` stype ([162](
- Added `sequence_numerical` stype ([159](
- Added `MultiCategoricalEmbeddingEncoder` ([155](
- Added advanced indexing for `MultiNestedTensor` ([150](, [#161](, [#163](, [#165](
- Added `multicategorical` stype ([128](, [#151](
- Added `MultiNestedTensor` ([149](


- Set `stype.embedding` as the parent of `stype.text_embedded` and unified `stype.text_embedded` with its parent in :obj:`tensor_frame` ([277](
- Renamed `torch_frame.stype` module to `torch_frame._stype` ([275](
- Renamed `text_tokenized_cfg` into `col_to_text_tokenized_cfg` ([257](
- Made `Trompt` output 2-dim embeddings in `forward`
- Renamed `text_embedder_cfg` into `col_to_text_embedder_cfg`


- No manual passing of `in_channels` to `LinearEmbeddingEncoder` for `stype.text_embedded` ([222](



- Added basic `text_tokenized` ([157](
- Added `Mercari` dataset ([123](
- Added the model performance benchmark script ([114](
- Added `DataFrameBenchmark` ([107](
- Added concat and equal ops for `TensorFrame` ([100](
- Use ROC-AUC for binary classification in GBDT ([98](
- Infer `task_type` in dataset ([97](
- Added `text_embedded` example ([95](
- Added `MultimodalTextBenchmark` ([92](, [#117](
- Renamed `x_dict` to `feat_dict` in `TensorFrame` ([86](
- Added `TabTransformer` example ([82](
- Added `TabNet` example ([85](
- Added dataset `tensorframe` and `col_stats` caching ([84](
- Added `TabTransformer` ([74](
- Added `TabNet` ([35](
- Added text embedded stype, mapper and encoder. ([78](
- Added `ExcelFormer` example ([46](
- Added support for inductive `DataFrame` to `TensorFrame` transformation ([75](
- Added `CatBoost` baseline and tuned `CatBoost` example. ([73](
- Added `na_strategy` as argument in `StypeEncoder`. ([69](
- Added `NAStrategy` class and impute NaN values in `MutualInformationSort`. ([68](
- Added `XGBoost` baseline and updated tuned `XGBoost` example. ([57](
- Added `CategoricalCatBoostEncoder` and `MutualInformationSort` transforms needed by ExcelFromer ([52](
- Added tutorial example script ([54](
- Added `ResNet` ([48](
- Added `ExcelFormerEncoder` ([42](
- Made `FTTransformer` take `TensorFrame` as input ([45](
- Added `Tompt` example ([39](
- Added `post_module` in `StypeEncoder` ([43](
- Added `FTTransformer` ([40](, [#41](
- Added `ExcelFormer` ([26](
- Added `Yandex` collections ([37](
- Added `TabularBenchmark` collections ([33](
- Added the `Bank Marketing` dataset ([34](
- Added the `Mushroom`, `Forest Cover Type`, and `Poker Hand` datasets ([32](
- Added `PeriodicEncoder` ([31](
- Added `NaN` handling in `StypeEncoder` ([28](
- Added `LinearBucketEncoder` ([22](
- Added `Trompt` ([25](
- Added `TromptDecoder` ([24](
- Added `TromptConv` ([23](
- Added `StypeWiseFeatureEncoder` ([16](
- Added indexing/shuffling and column select functionality in `Dataset` ([18](, [#19](
- Added `Adult Census Income` dataset ([17](
- Added column-level statistics and dataset materialization ([15](
- Added `FTTransformerConvs` ([12](
- Added `DataLoader` capabilities ([11](
- Added `TensorFrame.index_select` ([10](
- Added `Dataset.to_tensor_frame` ([9](
- Added base classes `TensorEncoder`, `FeatureEncoder`, `TableConv`, `Decoder` ([5](
- Added `TensorFrame` ([4](
- Added `Titanic` dataset ([3](
- Added `Dataset` base class ([3](



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