What's Changed
* Merge changes from master-refactor into master by temmy222 in https://github.com/temmy222/PyTOUGHREACT/pull/1
* Merge changes to main refactor branch by temmy222 in https://github.com/temmy222/PyTOUGHREACT/pull/2
* Refactor of code completely by temmy222 in https://github.com/temmy222/PyTOUGHREACT/pull/3
* Code works appropriately subject to a few testing for version 1.0
New Contributors
* temmy222 made their first contribution in https://github.com/temmy222/PyTOUGHREACT/pull/1
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/temmy222/PyTOUGHREACT/commits/v0.0.15