- github banner and Table of Contents to the `` file.
- `Why pyXA?`, `Changelog`, `Contributors` and `License` section in the `` file.
- github changelog banner to the `assets` branch.
- `` file.
- a new function, `check_version` in ``
- directory and file symlinks to be ignored in `.gitignore`.
- user data in `profile.yml` file.
- version to `0.0.2a1` in ``.
- `` docstring. Now it elaborately describes what it does.
- docstrings of all the classes under ``.
- ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, `` docstring.
- `` now uses `` file for its long description.
- formatted all scripts with pylint and pyright.
- docstrings for all the scripts.
- `check_version` is now used for displaying the version details.
- `virtualenv` is now `venv` by default for all options and arguments.
- `AUTHOR_EMAIL` and `MAINTAINER_EMAIL` to correct email.
- `` headers.
- year and qwner name in `LICENSE` file.
- `Bad first argument given to super()` warning in ``.
- rounded output of `_split_lines` method in ``.
- section for `Secret keys` in `` and boilerplate code for the keys.
- unnecessary comments in `` file.
- `virtualenv` from `requirements.txt` file in favor of `venv`.
- removed '/' from the `.gitignore` file for added files and folders.
- `__future__` imports as the project doesn't support backporting.
- `logger` from ``.
- `FileNotFound` and `PathNotFound` exception in favor of builtin `FileNotFoundError` and `NotADirectoryError` respectively.
- `` module and creating profile functionality.
- strings associated with `profile` subparser object from ``.