------ * Add setProperty method to delegates to be able to change properties used in editor creation. * Fix: When setting allowEmpty to False in SpinBox, DateEdit, don't show empty as value for minimumValue() *
------- * Proper PyQt5 support: use of PyQt4 and PyQt4 are determined at run time. * Allow empty string in adapter property lists as a reference to object iself. * Adapters now strip strings by default * Fix: Use of formatters with composite adapter properties. * Enhanced Documentation.
------- * PyQt5 compatibility imports * Add method LookupWidget.clear() * Proper key navigation in views when there are hidden columns * Fix: Emit dataChanged signal on row appending if fake row was present
------ * Fix: When appending a row using down arrow on TableView and the model is a QSortFilterProxyModel instance, the new row didn't become active, but first row was instead.
------ * Fix: Allow typing a negative sign in an empty NumberEdit * Make widgets commit its value immediately when appropiate.
------ * Fix: Handle empty value in NumberEdit when has focus. * Fix: Force value from QComboBox options whe value is None and combo doesn't allow an empty value.