Add support for exclude lists (``qpass -x`` or ``qpass --exclude=GLOB``).
Explaining how I got here requires a bit of context:
- For several years now I've been using `Google Authenticator`_ for two-factor
authentication (2FA) to online services like GitHub and Trello. Unfortunately
Google Authenticator is quite bare bones in that it doesn't allow to export
the configured 2FA accounts, which implies that switching phones requires
resetting the 2FA configuration of a dozen online services...
- As a workaround you can store the "account configuration token" (the text
behind the QR code that you scan) that's available when an account is
configured in a secure location (`explanation available here`_). This
explains why I recently decided to reinitialize the 2FA configuration of all
my online accounts (one last time 😛) so that I can store the tokens in my
password store.
- My 2FA tokens are encrypted with a separate, dedicated GPG key pair (with a
stronger password) to ensure that the password to each online service is
unlocked with a different secret than the 2FA token (so as not to completely
undermine the second factor).
- So now whenever I run something like ``qpass github`` I get offered two
matches and I need to make a choice, even though that choice will always be
the same (the 2FA tokens are stored only as backups).
- Thanks to this qpass release I'm now able to configure the alias ``qpass
--exclude='*2fa*'`` in my ``~/.zshrc`` so that I never have to be bothered by
the entries containing the 2FA tokens again 😇.
.. _Release 2.3: https://github.com/xolox/python-qpass/compare/2.2.1...2.3
.. _Google Authenticator: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2
.. _explanation available here: https://android.stackexchange.com/a/183010/273993