Bug Fixes. When running the 2det per quibit example available on our website https://quantumtomo.web.illinois.edu/Algorithm/example_2qubit4det the code was throwing an error. When parsing the input it was expected the wrong size for the singles and efficiency matrix. Minor comment updates for the website
We have added some new configurations for the tomography. These new configurations correspond to inputs used in the scipy's leastsq function. ftol, xtol, gtol, and maxfev can now be passed into the optimization function
We've added a nicer function to calculate state tomography. This is new function is StateTomography. The older function has been re-named to StateTomography_Matrix. We have created a new website just for our code. https://quantumtomo.web.illinois.edu/ Finally we have added checks to make sure the inputs are valid
Extra tests added in the publishing pipeline. Naming changes in state_tomography