Breaking Changes
- `QDPlotLogic` has changed its public method signatures
- `OkFpgaPulser` now has a mandatory config option pointing towards a directory with the bitfiles necessary.
- Resolved some issues with QDPlot GUI layouts and improved overall QDPlot GUI code quality
- catching null bytes in Keysight M3202A module
- 2D gaussian fit arguments changed to be compatible with the datafitting toolchain.
New Features
- First stable version of new scanning toolchain (aka omniscan):
- New `blocking` argument for scanner moves executed via `ScanningProbeInterface`
- Multiple bugfixes for the new scanning toolchain with NICard.
- The NiScanningProbeInterfuse now polls data in chunks and independent of logic calls, as it should be.
- More meta data of scans in saved data
- Support for Zaber (linear) motorized stages (in `qudi.hardware.motor.zaber_motion`)
- Overhaul of QDPlot toolchain (GUI and logic) to improve stability and consistency as well as
adding minor GUI features.
- Added mixin `qudi.interface.mixins.process_control_switch.ProcessControlSwitchMixin` to provide
optional default implementation satisfying the `SwitchInterface` for process control hardware
modules implementing any of the interfaces contained in `qudi.interface.process_control_interface`
- Overhaul of PID toolchain: added units support, normalization option, gui reset feature,
dependency option for `process_control_dummy` to simulate PID control
- support for Thorlabs power meters using the TLPM driver
- pulsed toolchain: generation parameters of sequence saved as meta data
- Bumped `qudi-core` package minimum version requirement to v1.2.0