- Bug fix in trino connector for viewing Hive table details - Refactored connectors to optimize code management - Code/comments cleanup
- **MAJOR RELEASE** - Bug fix in UI for websocket pagination - See [roadmap](./roadmap.md) for future plans.
- Bug fix in UI drag-n-drop - Improvements in page text user-selection
- Updated Trino connector to print more descriptive error messages - Updated documentation on installation options
- Bug fix in viewing sessions and locks in MySQL 8.0+ vs MariaDB 10.11+ (requires performance_schema variable) - Bug fix in viewing sessions and locks in Oracle when missing default schema (Note: Sessions and Locks in oracle require permission to v$ tables)
- Bug fix in autocommit for PostgreSQL and Redshift connectors - Bug fix in viewing sessions and locks due to "Invalid Schema" error for PostgreSQL and Redshift connectors - Added initial support for Trino/PrestoSQL and updated documentation