1. Detect missing configuration files and give user the option to create the missing configuration files. (DONE) 2. Warn about configuration file encoding bugs. (DONE) 3. Pass extra command-line arguments to VCS command. (DONE) 4. Streamline main entry point. (DONE)
1. Fix syntax to be 3.7-compliant. 2. Move cache location from `~/.cache/quicktoml` to `~/.cache/quickclone`, with prompt to user asking whether they want to move the old cache data over.
1. Add `-L/--last-clone` flag to get the directory of the last clone operation.
1. Add support for mercurial. 2. Allow overriding the `vcs.remote` configuration option using the `-S/--system` flag. Currently, this flag accepts `git`, `mercurial` or `hg`. 3.
1. Add support for SCP-like locators (e.g. gitgithub.com:RenoirTan/QuickClone.git) 2. Add unit tests for most of the quickclone library. 3. Add `options.remote.force_scp` option to quickclone.toml. 4. Allow users to use a different config file instead of the one in `~/.config/quickclone.toml` by using the `--config-file <path>` flag.