This is an update to the beta release of ``qutip-qoc``.
It mainly introduces the new reinforcement learning algorithm ``qutip_qoc._rl``.
- Non-public facing functions have been renamed to start with an underscore.
- As with other QuTiP functions, ``optimize_pulses`` now takes a ``tlist`` argument instead of ``_TimeInterval``.
- The structure for the control guess and bounds has changed and now takes in an optional ``__time__`` keyword.
- The ``result`` does no longer return ``optimized_objectives`` but instead ``optimized_H``.
- New reinforcement learning algorithm, developed during GSOC24 (19, 18, by LegionAtol)
- Automatic transfromation of initial and target operator to superoperator (23, by flowerthrower)
Bug Fixes
- Prevent loss of `__time__` keyword in optimize_pulses (22, by flowerthrower)