- Release 0.0.1. [Andrew Fullford]
- Pypi intro. [Andrew Fullford]
- Remove subdir. [Andrew Fullford]
- Remove subdir. [Andrew Fullford]
- Now does reading calculations and adds to result state. this makes
processing filters easier, when they get added. [Andrew Fullford]
- Added netstring support as baseline. Filter definition next. [Andrew
- Baseline for event listener. So far, just managing sockets. [Andrew
- Added events config. [Andrew Fullford]
- Add url for polling current status. [Andrew Fullford]
- Changed iso8601() to accept datetime as well as Posix time. [Andrew
- Soften logging. [Andrew Fullford]
- Include plugins subpackage. [Andrew Fullford]
- Debugging in plugin loader. [Andrew Fullford]
- Fixed metavar. [Andrew Fullford]
- Fix typos. [Andrew Fullford]
- Reduced log noise. [Andrew Fullford]
- Rearranged so the Plugin base class lives at the top level and the
plugins package holds only user plugin code. [Andrew Fullford]
- Added plugin support and changed tracking code to work as plugins.
[Andrew Fullford]
- Implement IP authorization check using netaddr. Add preliminary
support files. [Andrew Fullford]
- Reorganized as simple command calling class. [Andrew Fullford]
- Renamed talon to rainbarrel, some hope this will be available in PyPI.
[Andrew Fullford]
- Switch to use taskforce.httpd to allow for multiple listeners. [Andrew
- Baseline from old 'eagle_hook' program. This will be used for
independent development to support plug-in event processing and data
export. [Andrew Fullford]
- Initial commit. [Andrew Fullford]