New features
* **Atomic Raman tensors** (ARTs) implemented in `ARTModel`, a subclass of `InterpolationModel`.
* **Workflow for building polarizability models**
* Utilities in `ramannoodle.structure.displace` to **generate displaced structures** for polarizability calculations, whose results are fed into polarizability models.
* **Dummy models** to ensure these displaced structures cover all degrees of freedom before carrying out expensive polarizability calculations.
* **Model masking** allows degrees of freedom in `InterpolationModel` and `ARTModel` to be enabled and disabled (masked) on the fly. This allows the calculation of **partial Raman spectra**, which are useful when studying point defects, for example.
* Polarizability models implement `__repr__`, which helps users **track model state**. This is especially handy when using ramannoodle in Jupyter notebooks.
* Read/write support for **VASP POSCAR files.**
* `DOFWarning`, which warns when a degree of freedom's data **does not span zero** (i.e. the equilibrium structure). This is not fatal, but is undesirable in nearly all cases.
Major API changes
* Restructured and reorganized packages and modules, including renaming `ramannoodle.symmetry` to `ramannoodle.structure`.
* Added ``, which implements generic IO functionality. Subpackages, such as ``, are now the preferred way to read and write files.
* Changed getters/setters to properties.
* Arguments use fractional coordinates by default. Cartesian arguments now have the ``cart_`` prefix.
Minor enhancements and bugfixes
* NDArray shape checking functions are more flexible.
* Added additional tests to achieve >95% coverage.
* Renamed `StructuralSymmetry` to `ReferenceStructure`.
Documentation updates
* Documentation has a much higher level of polish.
* Clarified units, both in docstrings and in the guides.
* Added new guides
* Full tutorial covering displaced structure generation and dummy models.
* Masking tutorial
* Guide to interfacing with first principles codes, including information on supported file formats.
* Added logo to sidebar.
* Added a developer guide.
**Full Changelog**: