This is a clean up and stablizing release for rapidsms-twilio. This removes support for old
versions of Django and RapidSMS. The setup has been streamlined by changing some of the defaults.
* Fix Twilio warning when returning data in callback response. Thanks
to `lsgunth <https://github.com/lsgunth>`_.
* Tox and Travis improvements (16, 20)
* Report failed messages back to RapidSMS (8, 22)
Backwards Incompatible Changes
* Support for Django < 1.7 has been dropped.
* Support for RapidSMS < 0.18 has been dropped.
* The default url patterns have been renamed. ``status-callback`` is now ``twilio-status-callback``
to be consistent internally and with the package naming.
* The default backend name is now ``twilio-backend`` if using the default views and url patterns.
* The url setup in the quick start now uses an include and defaults to using ``/backend/twilio/``
and ``/backend/twilio/status-callback/`` for the urls. If you were including the urls manually you
are not affected by this change. Otherwise you need to ensure the setup is changed in the Twilio
configuration as well.