API Changes:
* Blend material modifier now blends the surface and volume by default. Use the surface_only and volume_only options to configure.
* Cython minimum, maximum and peak to peak methods can now cope with arbitrary strides.
* Interpolator2DMesh and Discrete2DMesh have import has changed from raysect.core.math.interpolators to raysect.core.math.function.
* Added an Add material modifier than sums the contributions from two materials.
* Added emissivity function to BlackBody.
* Extended Spectrum cython mathematical methods to simplify combining Spectrum objects.
* Expanded the function framework:
- Constants are now autowrapped as ConstantXD objects automatically.
- Added PowXD, ExpXD, SinXD, CosXD, TanXD, AsinXD, AcosXD, AtanXD, Atan4QXD functions.
- Argument pass-through supported with ArgXD functions.
- Interpolation functions moved under raysect.core.math.function.
* Improved the Multicore render engine by batching work to reduce IPC overhead. Renders with smaller amounts of work per pixel are now substantially quicker.
* Improved multiple demos and related documentation.