rdEditor Release Notes
Bug Fixes and Technical Improvements
Major Bug Fix: Conjugated Aromatic Double Bonds
Fixed an issue where conjugated aromatic double bonds could "shift" incorrectly
This fix necessitated a redesign of the molecule handling and drawing stack
The visualization now more accurately reflects the status of the molecular graph
Stereochemistry Visualization
- Improved drawing code and visualization of R/S and E/Z stereochemistry
- Added distinction between undefined E/Z (visualized as trans) and defined E (visualized as Trans and annotated with (E))
Template Addition Improvements
- Redesigned template addition code for better expandability
- New templates can now be added via definition of SMILES and reaction SMARTS, rather than custom code
Configurable Molecule Handling
- Sanitization and kekulization of molecular objects are now configurable, can be consciously applied to clean up chemistry at any point in the drawing process
- Kekulization is optional, allowing work with aromatic bonds and representations
PySide Upgrade
- Upgraded from PySide2 to PySide6 for improved compatibility and easier installation
Additional Notes:
Various minor bugfixes and performance improvements
We encourage users to test these improvements and report any issues. Your feedback is crucial for the continued development of rdEditor.
v. Bugfix, now stereoinfo is updated when molecule is edited, even outside the stereogenic center.