Released 2024-11-11
* During :ref:`scheduled updates <scheduled>`,
honor the Retry-After HTTP header sent with
429 Too Many Requests or 503 Service Unavailable responses.
* Optimize OR-only :meth:`~Reader.get_feeds()` and :meth:`~Reader.get_entries()`
tag filters (e.g. ``[['one', ...]]``). (:issue:`359`)
* Expose :data:`reader.core.DEFAULT_RESERVED_NAME_SCHEME`. (:issue:`287`)
* Update the (unstable) parser API to expose HTTP information to the updater.
* The :class:`.RetrieverType` protocol used by retrievers changed
(new return type, allow storing arbitrary caching data via
* The ``HTTPAcceptParserType`` was renamed to :class:`.AcceptParserType`.
* Allow :ref:`using the installed feedparser <no-vendored-feedparser>`
instead of the one vendored by *reader*.
This is useful for working around issues in the vendored feedparser,
like the libxml2 <=2.13.3 incompatibility reported in :issue:`350`;
thanks to `Maks Verver`_ for reporting,
root causing, and following up with both dependencies.
* Fix a number of brittle / broken tests.
Thanks to `Maks Verver`_ for the issues and fixes.
(:issue:`348`, :issue:`349`, :issue:`355`)
.. _Maks Verver: https://github.com/maksverver