- Users:
- Adds support for HTCondor compute backend for all workflow engines (CWL, Serial, Yadage).
- Adds support for Slurm compute backend for all workflow engines (CWL, Serial, Yadage).
- Allows to run hybrid analysis pipelines where different parts of the workflow can run on different compute backends (HTCondor, Kubernetes, Slurm).
- Adds support for Kerberos authentication mechanism for user workflows.
- Introduces user secrets management commands ``secrets-add``, ``secrets-list`` and ``secrets-delete``.
- Fixes ``upload`` command behaviour for uploading very large files.
- Upgrades CWL workflow engine to 1.0.20191022103248.
- Upgrades Yadage workflow engine to 0.20.0 with Packtivity 0.14.21.
- Adds support for Python 3.8.
- See additional changes in `reana-client 0.6.0 release notes <https://reana-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.htmlversion-0-6-0-2019-12-27>`_.
- Administrators:
- Upgrades to Kubernetes 1.16 and moves Traefik installation to Helm 3.0.0.
- Creates a new Kubernetes service account for REANA with appropriate permissions.
- Makes database connection details configurable so that REANA can connect to databases external to the cluster.
- Autogenerates deployment secrets if not provided by administrator at cluster creation time.
- Adds an interactive mode on cluster initialisation to allow providing deployment secrets.
- Adds CERN specific Kerberos configuration files and CERN EOS storage support.
- See additional changes in `reana-cluster 0.6.0 release notes <https://reana-cluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.htmlversion-0-6-0-2019-12-27>`_.
- Developers:
- Modifies the batch workflow runtime pod creation including an instance of job controller running alongside workflow engine using the sidecar pattern.
- Adds generic job manager class and provides example classes for CERN HTCondor and CERN Slurm clusters.
- Provides user secrets to the job container runtime tasks.
- Adds sidecar container to the Kubernetes job pod if Kerberos authentication is required.
- Refactors job monitoring using the singleton pattern.
- Enriches ``make`` behaviour for developer-oriented installations with live code reload changes and debugging.
- Enriches ``git-status`` component status reporting for developers.
- See additional changes in `individual REANA 0.6.0 platform components <https://reana.readthedocs.io/en/latest/administratorguide.htmlcomponents>`_.