- (**Breaking**) The :class:`SeasonStartTimestamp`, :class:`SeasonEndTimestamp` & :class:`BattlePassStat` enums have had their values renamed from the ``SEASON_?`` format to ``C?S?`` as it got confusing after Chapter 2. (e.g. ``SEASON_29`` is now ``C5S2``)
- (**Breaking**) :meth:`Client.fetch_battlepass_level()` & :meth:`Client.fetch_multiple_battlepass_levels()` now take :class:`BattlePassStat` in their ``season`` parameter instead of :class:`int`.
- Added :meth:`Client.fetch_ranked_stats()` & :meth:`User.fetch_ranked_stats()` (all classes that inherit from :class:`User` like :class:`Friend`, :class:`PartyMember`, etc will all have this method - search ``fetch_ranked_stats`` to see all).
- Added new enum values for the new season.
- ``SeasonStartTimestamp.C5SOG`` - please note, that this timestamp includes the last 6 hours of C5S4 in order to include all stats from the first day of the season, it's the same timestamp that both `FortniteTracker <https://fortnitetracker.com/>`_ and `fortnite.gg <https://fortnite.gg/>`_ use for this season.
- ``SeasonEndTimestamp.C5S4``
- ``SeasonEndTimestamp.C5SOG``
- ``BattlePassStat.C5SOG``
- Added ``kill_other_sessions`` parameter to :class:`BasicClient` & :class:`Client`, if you were manually setting the value of the attribute yourself, this'll still work.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing the use of newer aiohttp versions.
- Fixed an issue with certain headless accounts with missing properties.
- Invalid platforms (thanks to messed up non-official clients) won't raise errors and will instead return ``Platform.UNKNOWN``.
- Updated party meta to reflect the new season changes.