- Introduction of `GROUPBY` and `REDUCE` in [TS.MRANGE and TS.MREVRANGE](https://oss.redis.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsmrangetsmrevrange) to add support for "multi-key aggregation" and support for such aggregations spanning multiple shards, leveraging [LibMR](https://github.com/RedisGears/LibMR)). Currently, we support `min`, `max`, and `sum` as reducers and grouping by a label.
- 722, 275 Filter results using `FILTER_BY_TS` by providing a list of timestamps and `FILTER_BY_VALUE` by providing a `min` and a `max` value ([TS.RANGE, TS.REVRANGE](https://oss.redis.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsrangetsrevrange), [TS.MRANGE, and TS.MREVRANGE](https://oss.redis.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsmrangetsmrevrange))
- 603, 611, 841 Introduction of [TS.DEL](https://oss.redis.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsdel) which allows deleting samples in a time series within two timestamps (inclusive).
- 762 Limit the number of returned labels in the response of read commands ([TS.MRANGE, TS.MREVRANGE](https://oss.redis.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsmrangetsmrevrange), and [TS.MGET](https://oss.redis.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsmget)) using `SELECTED_LABELS`. This can be a significant performance improvement when returning a large number of series.
- 655, 801 Ability to align the aggregation buckets with the requested start, end, or specific timestamp on aggregation queries using `ALIGN` ([TS.RANGE, TS.REVRANGE](https://oss.redis.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsrangetsrevrange), [TS.MRANGE, and TS.MREVRANGE](https://oss.redis.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsmrangetsmrevrange)).
- 675 Add keyspace notifications for all CRUD commands. Check out [this test](https://github.com/RedisTimeSeries/RedisTimeSeries/blob/master/tests/flow/test_ts_keyspace.py) for the details.