- Class method `findItem` to make non-refdict object has chain access and reference access effect.
- `refdict.findItem(data, 'key1.key2')`.
- Solution to use chain access and reference access many times with operator `()`.
- Operator `[]` will return a non-refdict object, so we can **NOT** use chain access or reference access after the first `[]`.
- But operator `()` will return a **sub-refdict**, which contains all data of the original refdict, but stand for a part of the original refdict.
- Finally, after querying sub-refdict using `()`, we need to use `[]` to get a non-refdict value.
- So we can use chain access and reference access many times like `rd('key1.key2')('key3.key4')['key5.key6']`.
- To realize sub-refdict, the member variable `` become private. You have to use `refdict.load` to change the inner data of a refdict.