
Latest version: v0.6.2

Safety actively analyzes 702253 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


[0.3.0]( (2024-09-17)


* **release:** added pypi release trusted action, split deployment into continous release/deployment ([ae55ddd](

[0.2.4]( (2024-09-17)

Bug Fixes

* **file-name:** add contributor ([2b1654d](

[0.2.3]( (2024-09-16)

Bug Fixes

* **release-please:** attempt to fix uv.lock increment change by release automation bot ([03b2eec](

[0.2.2]( (2024-09-16)

Bug Fixes

* **pre-commit:** removing uv-lock check ([79dd12f](

[0.2.1]( (2024-09-16)

Bug Fixes

* **uv:** fixed release increment to uv.lock file by release-please ([5b0b3fe](

[0.2.0]( (2024-09-16)


* **docs:** added future work docs ([76fec10](



* **dev:** added ruff,commitizen as dev deps ([7e9e6d7](
* **github-actions:** added ci using github actions and also added codecov support ([c2d50bc](
* **github-actions:** added release pipeline ([d86e64d](
* **pre-commit:** added a lot of pre-commit hooks for common misgivings ([27c8153](
* **readme:** completed docs ([fdc9036](
* **setup:** intialized the project and added base http backend ([2eef2ce](
* **various:** added post endpoint, changed where/how aliases are saved, added tests ([294a7b5](

Bug Fixes

* **badges:** added ci/cd/coverage badges to readme ([38bd75a](
* **ci:** fixed issues with codecov ([4a4271f](
* **formatter:** implemented ruff formatting ([60484e4](


* **readme:** added layout: inline frontmatter property for the article ([e3f8f9b](
* **readme:** added more workflow docs ([3a41d20](
* **readme:** added pre-commit docs ([4fa2178](
* **readme:** trying out code annotation on github docs ([0405b69](
* **readme:** updated demo docs ([dcf326c](
* **readme:** updated inline frontmatter command ([b427968](
* **readme:** updated readme with better description of the release process ([b45a646](



Has known vulnerabilities

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