The scene has changed; pip is no longer king, poetry delivers a better experience
with much less confusion when packaging a library or project. PEPs 517 and 518 replace
the old setup.py file with the new pyproject.toml.
We now adapt to all this, keeping compatibility with the old way.
- The InteractivelyApproveDistribution and InteractivelyApproveWheel commands are no more,
having been replaced by a single InteractivelyApprovePackage which confirms only once,
after one or two shell commands build the sdist and wheel -- see our
example ``release_new_version.py`` for details.
- PypiUpload command has been renamed to TwineUploadSource; but if you use poetry you
don't need Twine, since poetry can upload.
- PypiUploadWheel has been renamed to TwineUploadWheel; but if you use poetry you
shouldn't use this, since you can just do ``poetry publish``.