This is going to be a VERY handy new option, one that I am planning on using a lot. Instead of making a whole new command, say `renameseq` it seemed better to just add an option to `renumseq` as it's possible that these two steps (of renaming and renumbering) might want to be happening at the same time anyway.
From the `--help` output:
--rename NEW_SEQNAME Rename the DESCRIPTIVE_NAME part of SEQ from its existing name to
NEW_SEQNAME. When using this option then the command will exit with an
error unless exactly one SEQ is being renamed and/or renumbered.
This new option is non-trivial to implement as there are lots of ways for it to be misused, probably by accident by the user. I expect over the next little while that a few bug-fix-point-releases may be coming to catch the odd weird case not caught in this new-feature-release.
However, this release is extensively tested, and lots of possible sources of user-errors are attempted to be caught before execution. As such, there are plenty of good error messages printed before exiting the program when errors are found. Also, the EXIT-status is set so it can be checked in the shell.
EXIT_NO_ERROR = 0 Clean exit.
EXIT_ERROR = 1 Internal error other than argparse - currently not used.
EXIT_ARGPARSE_ERROR = 2 The default code that argparse exits with if bad option.