- When ``context.action`` was called with a ``None`` discriminator
(the default), it would conflict with other actions that did not
supply a discriminator either.
- If a ``repoze.configuration.directive`` entry point name begins with
the characters 'tag:', treat the name as a YAML tag URI. YAML tag
URIs can be aliased at the top of YAML files to shorter ``!bang!``
names via a YAML %TAG directive (see `YAML global tag prefix
The intent is to encourage directive writers to register both a
"short name" (a word) and a tag URI for the same entry point
function. Doing so means that a config file writer can optionally
use a tag URI (``!<tag:repoze.org,2009:pypes/server>``) in place of
a "short name" (``!server``) when the short version can't be used
due to a conflict between two directives in separate packages that
share the same short name.
For example, an application might register both ``server =
pypes.deploy.directives:server`` and
``tag:repoze.org,2009:pypes/server =
pypes.deploy.directives:server`` in a
``repoze.configuration.directive`` section within ``setup.py``. A
config file that used the above entry points might equivalently use
any of the three below forms as necessary within a given YAML file::
tag alias
%TAG !pypes! tag:repoze.org,2009:pypes/
short name
--- !server
name: main
port: 8082
rely on tag expansion from %TAG directive
--- !pypes!server
name: main
port: 8082
use literal tag URI
--- !<tag:repoze.org,2009:pypes/server>
name: main
port: 8082