- Add support for Python 3.2, 3,3, and 3.4, and PyPy3.
- Drop dependency on ``Paste`` (forking / simplifying ``paste.request.parse_querystring`` and ``paste.request.construct_url``).
- Add support for testing on Travis.
- Add Sphinx documentation.
- Drop support for Python 2.4 / 2.5.
- This release is the last which will maintain support for Python 2.4 / Python 2.5.
- Add support for continuous integration using ``tox`` and ``jenkins``.
- Add support for PyPy.
- Add 'setup.py dev' alias (runs ``setup.py develop`` plus installs ``nose`` and ``coverage``).
- Moved to github.
- Make it possible to send exceptions to a logger channel as described in the docs; this didn't actually work previously because a) I'm not very good at programming and b) the Python logging module is terrible (using ``s[-1]`` and not catching an exception when the string is empty rather than using ``s.endswith()``, at least under Python 2.4).
- Bump copyrights.
- Remove dependency on ``ez_setup.py``.
- Docs now show how to use ``ErrorLog`` outside PasteDeploy.
- Avoid a dependency on `elementtree` when used with Python 2.5 and later. In those Python versions we used the built-in ``xml.etree`` support.