Added - match parameter for filtering tweets by regex
Added - like parameter to like all retweeted tweets. - --dry-run command line option for testing purposes. - --version command line option to display current version.
Changed - split [main] section in configuration file to [twitter] and [retweet] sections.
Added - older_than parameter to retweet only if the tweet is older than a given number of minutes. - younger_than parameter to retweet only if the tweet is younger than a given number of minutes. - -l or --limit command line option to retrieve only the given number of statuses from Twitter.
Changed - bug fix
Added - only_if_hashtags parameter to retweet only tweets containing one of the hashtags of this list.
Changed - rename do_not_retweet_hashes parameter to do_not_retweet_hashtags for constitency and readability of the configuration.
Added - do_not_retweet_hashtags parameter for not retweeting if a hashtag is in the text of the tweet.