------------------ - Fix: CSRF problem when getting TinyMCE configuration (see https://github.com/plone/Products.TinyMCE/issues/125) - Fix: search portlet select [ale-rt]
- The search portlet can optionally show filters on recipient and service type - The search portlet can optionally omit title - The search portlet can optionally display a rich text before the search form - The search portlet can optionally display a rich text after the search form [ale-rt]
- Added a portlet to search in an infocard container. [ale-rt]
- Search form method is now get (57) - Exclude infocards from navigation (56) - Modified infocard view (54, 55) - Infocard have no more a location field but a servicetype one (53) - Clean up MANIFEST.in. [ale-rt]