- Refactored code for `auth` command. - Moved emote files around in the repo. They needed a better home. - Updated README to better reflect the current CLI with more up-to-date examples. - Removed a secondary progress bar for populating tables with alerts. - Added emotes to some of the more common alerts. - Added periods to the end of changelog sentences.
- Fixed an issue where the package didn't do package things and caused the version to be messed up. - Refactored entire package into its own folder within the repo for the purposes of keeping site_packages clean.
- Refactored baseline functionality to be more distinct with what kind of alerts the user is fetching. - Added `richwx alerts id`. - Relabeled user-agent stuff to `auth` (i.e. `richwx user-agent` to `richwx auth ...`). - Under auth, added `set`, `purge`, `check`.
Initial release of richwx! - Packaged on PyPi. - Functionality: `richwx alerts [state]`.