* update rio-tiler requirement to `>=7.0,<8.0` * replace `geographic bounds` with dataset bounds in `Reader.info()` method's response **breaking change** * remove `minzoom` and `maxzoom` properties in `Info` model **breaking change** * add python 3.12 and 3.13 support
* calculate scene bounds from multipolygons for Sentinel-1 * allow `Stripmap` beam mode for sentinel-1 dataset
* update rio-tiler requirement to `>=5.0,<7.0`
* update rio-tiler requirement to `>=5.0,<6.0` * add `rio_tiler_pds.copernicus.aws.Dem30Reader` and `rio_tiler_pds.copernicus.aws.Dem90Reader` **mosaic** readers * add `boto3` in dependencies
* remove Landsat 8 Collection 1 * remove python 3.7 and add python 3.10/3.11 support * switch to ruff * fix issue with latest STAC Items for Sentinel-2-l2a-cogs (author dvd3v, https://github.com/cogeotiff/rio-tiler-pds/pull/64) * update rio-tiler requirement to `>=4.0,<5.0`