**RecurrentPPO (ppo_lstm) and Huggingface integration**
Breaking Changes
- Change default value for number of hyperparameter optimization trials from 10 to 500. (ernestum)
- Derive number of intermediate pruning evaluations from number of time steps (1 evaluation per 100k time steps.) (ernestum)
- Updated default --eval-freq from 10k to 25k steps
- Update default horizon to 2 for the `HistoryWrapper`
- Upgrade to Stable-Baselines3 (SB3) >= 1.6.0
- Upgrade to sb3-contrib >= 1.6.0
New Features
- Support setting PyTorch's device with thye `--device` flag (gregwar)
- Add `--max-total-trials` parameter to help with distributed optimization. (ernestum)
- Added `vec_env_wrapper` support in the config (works the same as `env_wrapper`)
- Added Huggingface hub integration
- Added `RecurrentPPO` support (aka `ppo_lstm`)
- Added autodownload for "official" sb3 models from the hub
- Added Humanoid-v3, Ant-v3, Walker2d-v3 models for A2C (pseudo-rnd-thoughts)
- Added MsPacman models
Bug fixes
- Fix `Reacher-v3` name in PPO hyperparameter file
- Pinned ale-py==0.7.4 until new SB3 version is released
- Fix enjoy / record videos with LSTM policy
- Fix bug with environments that have a slash in their name (ernestum)
- Changed `optimize_memory_usage` to `False` for DQN/QR-DQN on Atari games,
if you want to save RAM, you need to deactivate `handle_timeout_termination`
in the `replay_buffer_kwargs`
- When pruner is set to `"none"`, use `NopPruner` instead of diverted `MedianPruner` (qgallouedec)