
Latest version: v0.9.2

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* Fixed incorrect warning regarding hiding headers when debugging (8)
* Removed redundant `debug` parameter from `call_operation` method (9)

Mostly though, I accidently released v0.9-alpha pointing to an earlier commit, and need to re-release ;).


New features:
* Calling operations
* Sending attachments (experimental)
- _XOP_ support as well. It works somewhat similarly to how it's handled in SoapUI
* Logging of requests/response headers and body when loglevel is set to _DEBUG_


- Creating clients works
- Use aliases to work with several open ones simultaneously. You can then switch between them
- Create messages
- Output can be string or XML
- Create objects from simple or complex types in order to create more complicated messages
- You can dump the info obtained from the WSDL for a client in a the log
- It's possible to log the namespace prefix mapping
- There's some utility functions/keywords such as `Get clients`, `Get client` and `Get namespace URI` among others.

This is an alpha pre-release, so don't act surprised if it's a little immature ;).



Has known vulnerabilities

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