- :ref:`Renishaw wdf <renishaw-format>`:
- return survey image instead of saving it to the metadata and add marker of the mapping area on the survey image.
- Add support for reading data with invariant axis, for example when the values of the Z axis doesn't change.
- Parse calibration of ``jpg`` images saved with Renishaw Wire software. (`227 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/227>`_)
- Add support for reading :ref:`emd <emd_fei-format>` Velox version 11. (`232 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/232>`_)
- Add :ref:`making test data files <making_test_files>` section to contributing guide, explain characteristics of "good" test data files. (`233 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/233>`_)
- :ref:`Quantum Detector <quantumdetector-format>` reader: use timestamps to get navigation shape when the navigation shape is not available - for example, acquisition with pixel trigger or scan shape not in metadata. (`235 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/235>`_)
- Improve setting output size for an image. (`244 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/244>`_)
Bug Fixes
- Fix saving ``hspy`` file with empty array (signal or metadata) and fix closing ``hspy`` file when a error occurs during reading or writing. (`206 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/206>`_)
- Fix saving ragged arrays of vectors from/to a chunked ``hspy`` and ``zspy`` store. Greatly increases the speed of saving and loading ragged arrays from chunked datasets. (`211 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/211>`_)
- Fix saving ragged array of strings in ``hspy`` and ``zspy`` format. (`217 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/217>`_)
- Fix setting beam energy for XRF maps in ``bcf`` files. (`231 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/231>`_)
- :ref:`Quantum Detector <quantumdetector-format>` reader: fix setting chunks. (`235 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/235>`_)
- Add ``POOCH_BASE_URL`` to specify the base url used by pooch to download test data. This fixes the failure of the ``package_and_test.yml`` workflow in pull requests where test data are added or updated. (`200 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/200>`_)
- Fix documentation links following release of hyperspy 2.0. (`210 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/210>`_)
- Run test suite on osx arm64 on GitHub CI and speed running test suite using all available CPUs (3 or 4) instead of only 2. (`222 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/222>`_)
- Fix deprecation warnings introduced with numpy 1.25 ("Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, ..."). (`230 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/230>`_)
- Fix numpy 2.0 removal (``np.product`` and ``np.string_``). (`238 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/238>`_)
- Fix download test data when using ``pytest --pyargs rsciio -n``. (`245 <https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/245>`_)