- Upgrade all dependencies/required packages, install via bioconda
- Location of (compiled) Stan models
- PyStan 2 to CmdStanPy API
- Handling of ORF labels
- Documentation
- PyStan dependency
- Fitted parameters from output `_location` and `_scale`
- `orf_type` filtering for translation prediction
- GFF3 support
- Unfiltered predictions, unless [--write-unfiltered] is set
- QTI-seq, various plotting/reporting scripts, notebooks
- Stan models transformed data/parameters name/definition (no-periodicity.stan, gaussian-naive-bayes.stan)
- CmdStanPy logging
- Regression tests, pre-commit, GitHub CI workflow, etc.
- Options handling for `prepare_rpbp_genome`
- Retrieve gene_id, etc. from annotations
- Dashboad applications to replace PDF reports
- Data wrangling: ``, and ``
- ribo_utils
- orf_profile_construction scripts from pbiotools.ribo