What's Changed * add template file argument to `rs.rfree` by kmdalton in https://github.com/rs-station/rs-booster/pull/48 * add a script to read DIALS stills by dermen in https://github.com/rs-station/rs-booster/pull/50
What's Changed * allow nonstandard settings for space groups by kmdalton in https://github.com/rs-station/rs-booster/pull/45 * Add --ignore-isomorphism flag to rs.scaleit by dennisbrookner in https://github.com/rs-station/rs-booster/pull/47
What's Changed * bugfix in `rs.find_peaks` and `rs.find_difference_peaks` * more consistent parsing for `rs.cc` scripts * improved functionality in `rs.extrapolate` * added `rs.rfree` function for generating Rfree flags
Announcement * This is the first release from the new `rs-station` GitHub organization. The change _should_ be seamless -- the PyPI release should be made for `rs-booster 0.1.0` without any issues -- but please file an [Issue](https://github.com/rs-station/rs-booster/issues) if anything surprising happens.
What's Changed * Add `wDF` column for improved visualization of diffmaps in PyMOL by JBGreisman in https://github.com/rs-station/rs-booster/pull/21 * Add automated testing to `rs-booster` by JBGreisman in https://github.com/rs-station/rs-booster/pull/22 * Update Hekstra-Lab organization references to rs-station by JBGreisman in https://github.com/rs-station/rs-booster/pull/23
What's Changed * Add command line script for making extrapolated structure factors by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/1 * Add commandline tools for scaleit and internal difference maps by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/2 * Add efxtools.ccsym for computing CCsym across a given symmetry operation by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/3 * Update API of efxtools.internal_diffmap to parallel efxtools.scaleit by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/4 * Ordinary diffmaps by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/5 * Update with CCpred calculation by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/6 * Precog2mtz by kmdalton in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/7 * Add CCanom calculation from careless output by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/10 * added peakfinding utility by kmdalton in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/8 * add element column to peak_report by kmdalton in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/12 * Update the README by kmdalton in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/13 * Add CChalf calculation to `stats` by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/14 * Migrate namespace to support name change to `rs-booster` by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/15 * Setup rs-booster package for PyPI release by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/16 * Add GitHub action for pubilshing to PyPI by JBGreisman in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/17
New Contributors * JBGreisman made their first contribution in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/1 * kmdalton made their first contribution in https://github.com/Hekstra-Lab/rs-booster/pull/7