This new release is correcting some nits on Wordcab side.
* Adjust the pricing for Wordcab paid services 101 * Fix a bug in the WordcabWord schema: score -> probability 104
🚀 ASR Providers
* Moved from Deepgram Nova to Nova 2 model 96 * Allowed user to run transcription on local audio files or folders 90 * Added the possibility to run transcription on self-hosted wordcab-transcribe version 94 * Improved the way we handle errors for ASR providers 83 * Fixed the retries strategy 81 * Decreased the waiting time between job status 93
🎯 Evaluation
* Added the `wrr` metric 87 * Updated the results with the new Deepgram Nova 2 model 98
📁 Datasets
* Fixed the `fleurs` dataset file path finding 80
💬 CLI commands
* Added the pricing feature to the `audio-length` command 88
🚀 ASR Providers
* Simplified the `launch`/`get_transcription` function for each ASR provider 55 * Implemented WER data preparation for 5 providers 66 67
🎯 Evaluation
* Implemented the WER evaluation process 70
📁 Datasets
* Added a new dataset `google/fleurs` for WER 77 * Fixes for AMI to avoid server overload 59 * Added the number of files per dataset splits 52 * Added compatible metrics for each dataset 60 * Removed one audio type for AMI to simplify transcription 59 * Added code to prepare AMI dataset for WER evaluation 57
💬 CLI commands
* Created a command to create plots from evaluation results 73 * Improved `list` command 60 * Added an `audio-length` command to get the duration of a dataset per split 74
⚙️ Tests * Added a lot of unit tests 51
* Added `RevAI` and `Speechmatics` as asr providers for transcription 24 25 * Fixed the manifest file creation for AMI dataset 27 * Added AsrOutputs for 5 providers 30 32 * Added the `results_to_rttm` for 5 providers 30 34 * Implemented `use_cache` for transcription 35 * Fixed concurrency feature 32 * Fixed AMI dataset download by enabling concurrency to avoid saturating the server 32 * Define speaker mapping feature for all providers and datasets 37 * Add the `evaluation` command 38 * Fixed AssemblyAI transcription diarization params. 42 * Added DER evaluation 38 42 48 * Fixed `UU` speaker problem for Speechmatics 48 * Added `retries` for providers 48 * Added a script to generate plots for DER 48
* Define a base process for each ASR Providers 2 * Add Wordcab, AssemblyAI and Deepgram 12 13 20 * Add tests for the utils functions 15 * Write the full API transcription step for the benchmark cli command 2 17 * Fix a bug with the AMI dataset files 22
This release: * Init the CLI f42c380b75021b2d637ddd54c0611ebc6f2532c5 * Added the `AMI` dataset e137f9d2bbb9b7f31dbb190c1bb3a12b649a9450 * Added the `VoxConverse` dataset edb9d9ded87973750376b79bd26a48bf96be5b22 * Docs are also deployed on main branch push 3c635f69c0bec8ecbd30a2164b70a17ba5afdf1e