Breaking Changes
- Removed `Events.ZOOM` because it was only propagated as a result of user behavior.
- Renamed `ScheduledTask` to `RecurrentTask` and `Time.scheduled_call()` to `Time.recurrent_call()`.
- Reordered the arguments of `RecurrentTask`, `FramesTask`, and `DelayedTask` to be more intuitive.
- Removed `is_stopped` from the init arguments of above task constructors to simplify them.
- Removed `Debug` class.
- Switch from the SDL coordinate system to the cartesian coordinate system.
- Centered drawing to `Surface`s and made them cartesian.
- `rigidbody.stop()` method to quickly set the rigidbody velocity to 0.
- `EventResponse` and subclasses for individual rubato events
- `Animation` now has an alpha that can be set.
- `argb` variants of `Color.from_rgba32()` and `color.rgba32()`.
- Python 3.11 support.
- `RecurrentTask` task callback can now be made to take in a task argument. This allows you to stop the task when you
- `delay` argument in Frame, Delayed, and Recurrent tasks now only controls the delay.
- Frame, Delayed, and Recurrent tasks no longer modify `delay`, and instead determine the next time to run the task
using `next_run`.
- All event listener callbacks now can take in an `EventResponse`.
- Made `Events` an enum for nicer documentation. Doesn't impact usage.
- Internal file structure. Shouldn't impact most users.
- Optimized and fixed some internal rendering algorithms.
- Colors are now internally represented as argb32 integers instead of rgba32 integers.
- `hitbox.get_aabb()` methods now return the aabb in the form of bottom-left, top-right coordinates instead of
top-left, bottom-right.
- Hidden `rigidbody.physics()` because it is called automatically.
- Hidden `Radio.handle()` because it is called automatically.
- Fixed border-thickness not being taken into account when making surfaces in `Draw` methods.
- Turning blending off in surface drawing methods affecting antialias border blending.
- Potential division by 0 error when drawing under certain conditions.