Base Configurations
- DaCapo 23.11-Chopin available as `dacapochopin`. Please use `dacapochopin_jdk9`, `dacapochopin_jdk11`, `dacapochopin_jdk17`, and `dacapochopin_jdk21` modifiers for JDK 9, 11, 17, and 21 respectively when you use this suite with these JDK versions.
- Temurin 21
Base Configurations
- Environment variables are expanded when resolving paths of runtimes and benchmark suites.
- `--add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED` is no longer automatically added when running DaCapo benchmarks on >= JDK 9. This approach doesn't scale now we have more workarounds specific to different JDK versions. This is also too opaque and not clear how it's implemented. New modifiers are introduced to address this issue.
- `EnvVar` `val` is expanded using the outside environment prior to benchmark execution.
- Deprecating Python 3.7 support for users. Python 3.7 was last released on June 6, 2023 (3.7.17), and no new release has been made since.
- Dropping Python 3.7 support for developers (NOT users). pytest 7.4+ requires at least Python 3.8 (still supported by Ubuntu 20.04 LTS).