- (71) Added support for instrument types:
- Added a new `InstrumentType` class
- Modified the `Instrument` class to return `InstrumentType` objects when reading the `instrument_type` property
- Modified the `StepDetails` class to return `InstrumentType` objects when reading the `permitted_instrument_types` property
- Added a new `instrument_types` property to the `LIMS` class that can query instrument types.
- The `Instrument` class now correctly reports instrument limsids.
- The `instrument_used` property of `StepDetails` is now writable.
- Several updates to `StepRunner`:
- (69) Step runners now support running the same step multiple times within a protocol.
- (76) Step runners can now sign steps that require an eSignature, by calling `self.sign()` from the `record_details()` method.
- (68) The "Leave in QC Protocol" artifact action can now be selected at the Next Steps screen by using `step.actions.artifact_actions[artifact].leave_in_qc_protocol()`
- (67) The `replace_and_commit_from_local` method of the `File` class now supports an optional `name` parameter, allowing you to upload a file to Clarity using a different name from the on-disk filename.
- (65) Fixes a bug in `StepConfiguration.permitted_containers()` that caused steps with no permitted containers (i.e. no-output steps) to return all container types instead of none.
- (63) Added the `Step.clear_pools()` method which can be used to remove any existing pools that were created on a step.