Released 2024-06-16
* Modify function apply_pagination api
* Rewrite the README using SQLAlchemy 2.0 style, fix typos and links
* Rename the param 'query' to 'stmt' in functions apply_filters, apply_loads and apply_sort
* Rename variables in tests
* Add python 3.12 support
* Add typing and improve docstrings for public functions
* Add tests for python 3.11
* Add containers target to Makefile
* Add 'downloads' badge
* Fix TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable if using python versions 3.7 or 3.8
* Fixed coverage for Python 3.11
* Bump postgres and mysql dev containers to the latest version
* Bump psycopg2 to the version 2.9.9
* Bump GitHub Action Setup Python to v5 and Checkout to v4