* Our main contributor dafajon has implemented a new BM25Summarizer similary to TfIdf summarizer. BM25Summarizer outperforms slightly in short summaries.
* We have packaged two new prebuilt models (Refer to [README](sadedegel/prebuilt/ for model accuracies )
1. tweeter profanity classification (`sadedegel.prebuilt.tweet_profanity`)
2. tweeter sentiment classification (`sadedegel.prebuilt.tweet_sentiment`)
* Change the way we report summarizer performance. Instead of a grid search of summarizer options, we now use a RandomSearch to decide optimal summarizer and parameters. Refer to [README](sadedegel/summarize/ for details.
Feature Drop & Deprecation
* `sents` property on `Doc` is dropped. use `__iter__(Doc)` instead.
* `tf` property on `Doc` is deprecated (will be dropped by 0.18) in favor of `get_tf` function which gives a more flexible way to access document level tf vectors.
* `tfidf` function on `Doc` is deprecated (will be dropped by 0.18) in favor of `get_tfidf` function which gives a more flexible way to access document level tf-idf vectors.
* `lexrank` external dependency is dropped and `LexRankPureSummarizer` is renamed to be `LexRankSummarizer`
* `set_config`, `get_config`, `describe_config` and `get_all_configs` are dropped in favor of new configuration implementation.
* `tf` property is now a part of `TfImpl` class using default configuration settings to yield a tf vector for a `Doc` or `Sentence`
* We've updated [documentation](sadedegel/dataset/ for our datasets.
* `idf` property is now a part of `IdfImp` class using default configuration settings to yield a idf vector for a `Doc` or `Sentence`
* More default parameters in `default.ini` based on our summarizer performance.