
Latest version: v0.1.3

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Working dependent worker simulator that:

- considers Continente, Açores or Madeira
- considers single or married workers
- considers number of holders (1 or 2) if married
- considers number of dependents (0, to any number)
- considers number of dependents disabled (0, to any number)
- considers if the worker is disabled (True or False)
- considers if partner is disabled (True or False)
- calculates Social Security based on the given tax (by default 11%)
- considers Twelfths (0, 0.5, 1 or 2 months)
- considers the lunch allowance (daily value, mode, and days count)
- considers different retention tables based on the workers Situation (for 2024)


don't use src directory


- first simulator function
- use pdm as publisher


testing release, real dummy



Has known vulnerabilities

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