* New features:
* **Salted can be called within a Python script as a library, or as a standalone script via the command line! Both ways support using a configuration file.**
* Check a specific file instead of all supported files within a folder.
* Markdown reports now contain links (instead of bare URLs).
* The function `check_links()` has been renamed to `check` and the parameter `path_to_base_folder` is now named `searchpath`.
* If a configfile is present, it overwrites the default settings. however, if salted is used standalone via the command line interface (CLI), arguments on the CLI overwrite the corresponding values in a config file.
* Salted uses head requests as a fast and light query type to check an URL. Some servers do not like head requests. Therefore, salted tried a full request each time a head requests did return an error. This behavior has been tested using a large collection of URLs. In this collection 607 URls answered a head request with an error code. Only in 5 cases a follow up with a full requests yielded a different result. In the face of this insignificant effect, the functionality for doing a second (full) request has been removed.
* New dependencies:
* Updated versions of multiple dependencies.
* Added the [`pybtext`](https://pypi.org/project/pybtex/) as a dependency to parse BibTeX files. (next release)
* Added sqlalchemy as a dependency.
* Improved code tests:
* Automatic tests now also run with `Python 3.10 beta 3`.
* Although the code is designed to be platform independent, tests now also run in a MacOS and a Windows container to be sure there are no issues.