- hex colors with opacity part are now considered valid colors (proposed by luciansmith)
- autorender function is added. This function is used to add render information (in case layout information is missing, layout information is added but autolayout algorithm is not called for it) (proposed by luciansmith)
- Stoichiometry values are now handled (proposed by luciansmith)
- now, there is a check if a graphical object can have an attribute basesd on its type and then that value is returned. Otherwise, default not-assigned values are returned (proposed by luciansmith)
- getGeometricShapeType function now returns the exact type of polygon if a polygon is set as the geometric shape (proposed by luciansmith)
- getStyle function that finds and returns the predefined style (if exists) is added (proposed by luciansmith)
- functions to get the default width/height dimensions of the species and reactions are added (proposed by luciansmith)
- It is now possible to add hex colors, that are not defined in the predefined colors list, using their hex codes (proposed by luciansmith)
- get...AsDouble and set...AsDouble functions are added to help get and set RelAbsVector values using a double (proposed by luciansmith)
- it is now possible to set/get the position of the reaction centroid nodes
- it is now possible to either build the shared lib or the static lib or both
- it is now possible to set the dimensions of the layout in the autolayout algorithm
- alignment now supports locked nodes (proposed by luciansmith)
- 'center' and 'middle' alignments are replaced with 'hCenter' and 'vCentre' alignments (proposed by luciansmith)
- enableDisplaySpeciesTextLabel and enableDisplayCompartmentsTextLabel methods are added to help the user turning the displaying the labels on and off for compartments and species as it used to be for reactions (proposed by sanast22)
- functions to check if the entered values are valid are updated (proposed by luciansmith)
- some backend redesign to store some information between two calls to autolayout
- functions to get access to species reference features using their index are added to the C API and their python bindings