
Latest version: v6.2.1

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[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- put the cargo dep in the right place [\1456]( ([pcrumley](
- Upgrade Haskel version [\1454]( ([RReichert](
- cover CI hole which appears to be hiding a proc\_macro bindgen bug [\1452]( ([pcrumley](
- bumping to latest version of libswiftnav [\1451]( ([pcrumley](


[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add inertially to the spelling wordlist [\1450]( ([Madhunika-atmakuri](
- Add support for 99.73 confidence interval [\1449]( ([ismolyakov](
- get the automated generation of test cases working again ( ([pcrumley](
- Add compensated IMU message [\1446]( ([ismolyakov](
- Documentation fixes after the removal of the legacy C API [\1439]( ([dgburr](
- Pcrumley/update actions [\1435]( ([pcrumley](
- Pcrumley/update actions [\1428]( ([pcrumley](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Update compiler options to support IAR \(\175\) [\1418]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](


[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update libsbp codeowners [\1427]( ([reimerix](
- Update Additional Reviewers [\1425]( ([pcrumley](
- fix rust lints [\1424]( ([pcrumley](
- AES-CMAC 128 Message [\1423]( ([RReichert](
- Fix license [\1421]( ([RReichert](
- Reference only the runner name [\1416]( ([fpezzinosn](
- Add support for QZSS constellation [\1414]( ([cstolowicz](


[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Change highwater -\> high water, add mutexes to spelling wordlist [\1413]( ([woodfell](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - ASIO gRPC boost container fix \(\174\) [\1412]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Add profiling messages [\1401]( ([woodfell](

[v6.0.0]( (2024-05-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - enable c++20 \(\173\) [\1411]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Fix kaitai py tests [\1410]( ([woodfell](
- Alter release process in line with recent observations [\1406]( ([woodfell](
- Remove legacy C API [\1404]( ([woodfell](

[v5.0.8]( (2024-03-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix new clippy lints [\1408]( ([pcrumley](
- Add description for constellation identifier to bounds messages [\1407]( ([IsakTjernberg](
- Add weeks behavior flag to MSG\_GNSS\_TIME\_OFFSET [\1405]( ([jakalm](

[v5.0.7]( (2024-03-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add ASAN and UBSAN stages to CI, fix various errors [\1403]( ([woodfell](
- Disable Java sonar stage [\1402]( ([woodfell](

[v5.0.6]( (2024-01-16)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add --unbuffered option to [\1400]( ([dgburr](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - ASIO C++ and ASIO Grpc libraries [\1399]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Bump docker image used for rust build to 1.65 [\1396]( ([dgburr](
- Add MsgMeasurementPoint [\1388]( ([woodfell](

[v5.0.5]( (2024-01-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- `MsgUtcTime` implementation of `gps\_time` is not checking status flags [\1385](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Change default codeowner of /c from platform to algint [\1398]( ([woodfell](
- Don't use deprecated functions in sbp impl [\1397]( ([woodfell](
- Clarify timestamping descriptions [\1395]( ([reimerix](
- Parallel build all C tests from top level makefile [\1394]( ([woodfell](
- Use docker in GA [\1393]( ([woodfell](
- Bump node.js version to 18.17.0 [\1392]( ([woodfell](
- update web structs [\1391]( ([pcrumley](
- update how to for new rust instruction [\1390]( ([pcrumley](
- remove -i option from sed [\1389]( ([pcrumley](
- Add missing bindings to check generated artefacts CI stage [\1387]( ([woodfell](
- reduce number of python tests to 2 [\1386]( ([pcrumley](
- Deprecate legacy API [\1373]( ([woodfell](

[v5.0.4]( (2023-12-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- `MsgGpsTime` implementation of `gps\_time` is not checking status flags [\1363](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix rust and js tests [\1383]( ([woodfell](
- Fix decoding of truncated messages containing variable length arrays [\1381]( ([woodfell](
- Replace swiftnav-adam with woodfell for additional reviewers [\1380]( ([woodfell](
- Fix incorrect specification of directory contents in read dir resp [\1379]( ([woodfell](
- Fix decoding fixed length arrays of struct in python sbp2json [\1378]( ([woodfell](
- Increase test coverage of C code [\1377]( ([woodfell](
- rust: check more messages for time validity [\1376]( ([notoriaga](
- rust: check time source for MsgGpsTime [\1375]( ([notoriaga](
- Run sonar cloud on C/C++ bindings [\1374]( ([woodfell](
- ignore dependabot PRs for additional reviewers action [\1372]( ([adrian-kong](
- Bon voyage! [\1370]( ([pcrumley](

[v5.0.3]( (2023-10-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- handle new clippy lints [\1364]( ([pcrumley](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add suitesparse finder file \[OC-310\] \(\167\) [\1362]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
[v5.0.2]( (2023-09-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - Enable starling-core test libs \[AP-454\] \(\166\) [\1360]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- fix bug [\1359]( ([pcrumley](
- fix new clippy warning in rust 1.71 [\1358]( ([pcrumley](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Update CODEOWNERS \(\163\) [\1357]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](

[v5.0.1]( (2023-08-24)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Remove SBP\_SENDER\_ID: it is not used anywhere and can conflict with user code [\1355]( ([dgburr](
- update the howto [\1354]( ([pcrumley](

[v5.0.0]( (2023-08-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - add CODEOWNERS \(\161\) [\1353]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- add test to round trip an invalid sbp message [\1352]( ([pcrumley](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Clang tidy Google Style Guide \(\155\) [\1351]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- prep next release \no\_auto\_pr [\1350]( ([adrian-kong](
- Parse error falls back to Invalid [\1312]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.17.0]( (2023-07-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - Don't fail sanitizer builds on failed optimizations [\1348]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- rust: ability to convert to common serde map structure [\1346]( ([silverjam](
- Add APC types \[OI-89\] [\1345]( ([armallen](
- Add function to convert sbp\_msg\_type\_t to string \[ESD-2613\] [\1344]( ([woodfell](

[v4.16.0]( (2023-06-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Week number is always 0 in Message Protection Level [\1340](
- Unknown CMake command "add\_link\_options" [\1320](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - rename starling-core-utils \[STR-195\] \(\156\) [\1343]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- c: bump minimum cmake to 3.13 [\1342]( ([silverjam](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - fix: make test\_srcs target project specific \(\158\) [\1341]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Add tdk-icm42670 to imu.yaml [\1338]( ([EricCalgary](
- Fix/improve construct version of sbp2json [\1337]( ([dgburr](
- Generate Kaitai Struct Format Descriptions and run Kaitai Struct Compiler to generate language bindings [\1336]( ([dgburr](
- prep next release \no\_auto\_pr [\1335]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.15.0]( (2023-05-29)

[Full Changelog](


[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Cannot access `GPSTime` inside `BaseTime` [\1331](

**Merged pull requests:**

- pass all features to build [\1333]( ([pcrumley](
- Make the BaseTime inner public [\1332]( ([pcrumley](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Fix TEST\_SRCS property - use CMAKE\_SOURCE\_DIR \(\154\) [\1330]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Make MSG\_INS\_UPDATES public \[DEVINFRA-1066\] [\1329]( ([ljbade](
- Miscellaneous SBP doc updates \[DEVINFRA-1065\] [\1328]( ([ljbade](
- docker: pin key python tools \(tox, sphinx\) [\1327]( ([silverjam](
- Add description of difference between \_GNSS messages and fused messages \[DEVINFRA-566\] [\1326]( ([ljbade](
- pin rust test deps [\1325]( ([silverjam](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - add FindBoringSSL.cmake \(\152\) [\1324]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- prep next release \no\_auto\_pr [\1323]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.14.0]( (2023-04-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- python: add framer msg type filter [\1321]( ([silverjam](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add TEST\_SRCS property and swift\_add\_test\_srcs\_target macro \[BUILD-657\] \(\151\) [\1319]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add official MKL cmake finder. \(\147\) [\1318]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- docs: correct time source for fast-start use case [\1316]( ([silverjam](
- bazel: Export sbp headers \[BUILD-650\] [\1315]( ([krisukox](
- Bump cmake submodule \[SEN-798\] [\1313]( ([reimerix](
- prep next release \no\_auto\_pr [\1311]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.13.0]( (2023-03-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - Turn SonarCloud duplicate detection off for unit tests \(\150\) [\1310]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Update bazel to be able to build [\1309]( ([RReichert](
- Upgrade google test to 1.11 [\1308]( ([RReichert](
- fix signature in MsgCertificateChain \[GV2-193\] [\1307]( ([notoriaga](
- variable length ecdsa signature \[GV2-193\] [\1306]( ([notoriaga](
- bazel: use c only macros \[BUILD-560\] [\1305]( ([isaactorz](
- Add identifier for TDK IAM-20680HP IMU \[ESD-2563\] [\1304]( ([woodfell](
- update MSG\_ACKNOWLEDGE on demand fields [\1303]( ([notoriaga](
- signing: add new ECDSA based signature messages [\1302]( ([silverjam](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Remove pvt-runner-lib from search libraries in starling target \(\148\) [\1301]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- bazel add gen\_compile\_commands target \[BUILD-547\] [\1300]( ([wwieclaw](
- enforce setup CI gradle v7.1.1 [\1298]( ([adrian-kong](
- prep next release \no\_auto\_pr [\1297]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.12.0]( (2023-02-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - Exclude unit test header files from coverage reporting \(\145\) [\1295]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- make it so all .rs files are treated as text files for git diffs [\1294]( ([pcrumley](
- new rust clippy [\1292]( ([adrian-kong](
- Add support for murata scha634 to imu aux message [\1286]( ([antrikshsrivastava](

[v4.11.0]( (2023-01-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- ci: auto request additional reviewers \(doc review\) [\1291]( ([silverjam](
- Add MSG\_TEL\_SV: per-SV telemetry message \[POS-913\] [\1290]( ([ismolyakov](
- Added Makefile with bazel wrappers \[BUILD-360\] [\1289]( ([wwieclaw](
- Add test for SBP-1534 STEC list empty [\1287]( ([JADC362](
- Add new SSR Satellite APC and Tile Definition message \[PC-116\] [\1284]( ([Davinco](
- build\(deps\): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 [\1283]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- prep release \no\_auto\_pr [\1281]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.10.0]( (2022-12-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- \[C++\] MessageTrait: name attribute [\1240](

**Merged pull requests:**

- bazel: Pin Bazel to 5.x [\1279]( ([isaactorz](
- C++ MessageTrait name attribute \[DEVINFRA-1034\] [\1278]( ([ljbade](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Don't fail on empty diffs when running clang-format [\1277]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- rust clippy [\1276]( ([adrian-kong](
- add haskell cache \[DEVINFRA-470\] [\1275]( ([adrian-kong](
- Cmake submodule update [\1274]( ([RReichert](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add a script supporting ratcheting for clang-tidy warnings [\1273]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- change maven publish to dev email [\1271]( ([adrian-kong](
- impl HasTime for Result Frame \[DEVINFRA-1031\] [\1267]( ([adrian-kong](
- small rust fixup [\1266]( ([adrian-kong](
- Add frame iterators [\1265]( ([adrian-kong](
- rust: include original message in TryFrom Error [\1264]( ([notoriaga](
- add MsgAcknowledge [\1263]( ([notoriaga](
- add friendly\_name method \[DEVINFRA-1045\] [\1262]( ([adrian-kong](
- build\(deps\): bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 [\1261]( ([dependabot[bot]](

[v4.9.0]( (2022-10-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- from\_parts generated methods [\1232]( ([adrian-kong](
- bazel: add swift\_cc\* wrappers \[BUILD-339\] [\1231]( ([isaactorz](
- pre-release v4.8.1-alpha [\1230]( ([adrian-kong](
- Sbp Raw Decoder [\1218]( ([adrian-kong](
- SbpString helpers [\1216]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.8.0]( (2020-09-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add find module for Auk \(\135\) [\1229]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Fix Include Paths in Bazel Build [\1228]( ([isaactorz](
- Add bazel build for libsbp c library [\1224]( ([isaactorz](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Fix compile\_commands.json generation in newer cmake versions \[BUILD-286\] \(\132\) [\1222]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Additional documentation for MSG-1534 \[OTA-284\] [\1220]( ([fpezzinosn](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Ability to Enable Extra Clang-Tidy Flags \[BUILD-293\] \(\131\) [\1219]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- rust: pin vergen [\1217]( ([silverjam](
- Add fuzz testing for libsbp - Add CRC bypass \[ESD-2473\] [\1212]( ([lucasle-sn](

[v4.7.0]( (2022-08-31)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - compile compile command cleanup \(\130\) [\1215]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Fix empty test source files \(\129\) [\1214]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Fix Sonarcloud \(\127\) [\1213]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Remove checks introduced between clang tidy 6 and 14 \(\125\) [\1211]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Include the Integrity usage flag states \[OTA-266\] [\1209]( ([fpezzinosn](
- signing: promote signing messages out of staging \[FIC-443\] [\1208]( ([silverjam](
- Removes units and details of probable future use from reserved message fields \[OTA-197\] [\1202]( ([jtec](
- Automatically create alias targets in cmake - Submodule update \[ESD-2467\] [\1199]( ([lucasle-sn](

[v4.6.0]( (2022-08-04)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- GPS Trace different than the ENU Trace [\1195](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Hooking package-register updater [\1203]( ([adrian-kong](
- Allows any string identifier for target and source frame names of MSG\_REFERENCE\_FRAME\_PARAM message \[OTA-198\] [\1201]( ([jtec](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Rollback SonarCloud Changes \(\126\) [\1200]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Added sbp2json test [\1198]( ([adrian-kong](
- Added json sbp rust tests [\1196]( ([adrian-kong](
- build\(deps\): bump terser from 4.6.6 to 4.8.1 [\1194]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - sonarcloud: Use Inclusions Property \(\121\) [\1193]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Fix Sonarcloud \(\120\) [\1192]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- rust: fix serde feature for standalone compilation [\1191]( ([silverjam](
- make serde feature depend on serde-big-array [\1190]( ([silverjam](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add clang format 11 \(\119\) [\1189]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Allow project wide default setting for exceptions and rtti \(\118\) [\1188]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- rust: remove usage examples [\1187]( ([silverjam](
- Add staging fixes to master [\1185]( ([samvrlewis](
- Add stubbed signing messages \[GV2-90\] [\1184]( ([samvrlewis](
- json2sbp: construct sbp from json fields [\1183]( ([adrian-kong](
- Adds javadoc generator test [\1182]( ([adrian-kong](
- Enforce Java 11 in build gradle [\1181]( ([adrian-kong](
- \[DEVINFRA-806\] Updated CHANGELOG and prep for next release [\1179]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.5.0]( (2022-07-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add find module for starling-core \(\116\) [\1173]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- fix typo in docs [\1172]( ([fpezzinosn](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add Module For Checking Atomic \(\117\) [\1171]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Promote messages from staging to master \[OTA-172\] [\1170]( ([fpezzinosn](

[v4.4.0]( (2022-06-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- rust: add partialeq [\1169]( ([silverjam](
- fixing rust build script [\1167]( ([adrian-kong](
- docker and doc fix-ups [\1166]( ([silverjam](
- Update navigation stubbed msgs names \[OTA-161\] [\1156]( ([fpezzinosn](

[v4.3.3]( (2022-06-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update [\1165]( ([adrian-kong](
- Locked stdin and out for rust sbp2json [\1161]( ([adrian-kong](
- build\(deps\): bump generic-array from 0.12.3 to 0.12.4 in /rust/sbp2json [\1159]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- Added version params, --version, -V to rust sbp2json [\1158]( ([adrian-kong](
- Python 3.10 update \[DEVINFRA-769\] [\1157]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.3.1]( (2022-06-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- python: consolidate converage settings [\1154]( ([silverjam](
- docker: add back apt, focal only, tox fixes [\1153]( ([silverjam](
- add parallel tox, remove python 2.7 support [\1152]( ([silverjam](

[v4.3.0]( (2022-05-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- validator: skip stubbed messages \[OTA-150\] [\1151]( ([silverjam](
- hide stubbed messages from sbp.pdf [\1148]( ([fpezzinosn](
- make: add commands to detect staging [\1146]( ([silverjam](
- sbp2json small usage comment fix [\1143]( ([adrian-kong](
- Added input and output parameters to rust sbp2json [\1142]( ([adrian-kong](
- ci: enable on staging branch [\1135]( ([silverjam](
- validator: allow message deprecation [\1134]( ([silverjam](
- Converted structopt into clap [\1133]( ([adrian-kong](
- Add stubbed version of new Integrity Bounds/Flags \[OTA-134\] [\1130]( ([fpezzinosn](
- Fixing unconsumed 4096 error sbp2json [\1128]( ([adrian-kong](
- Generate missing tests via JSON [\1125]( ([adrian-kong](
- Update sbp Docs to Include L5 Signals [\1124]( ([isaactorz](
- Runnable sbp java example [\1122]( ([adrian-kong](

[v4.2.0]( (2022-05-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add MSG\_STATUS\_JOURNAL \[4.1.x\] [\1126]( ([silverjam](
- Deploying tarball to pypi [\1121]( ([adrian-kong](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - clang-tidy: allow target to be disabled \(\109\) [\1120]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Publishing to maven central [\1119]( ([adrian-kong](
- Updating libraries and headers to 2022 [\1118]( ([adrian-kong](
- Fix rust release.toml and haskell sbp.cabal. [\1117]( ([john-michaelburke](

[v4.1.6]( (2022-04-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add generated copyright messages [\1114]( ([joelynch](
- Added TCPExample for Java client [\1112]( ([adrian-kong](
- Add a rust sbp iterator variant with timeout [\1111]( ([john-michaelburke](
- Fix C Bitfield Macros [\1110]( ([isaactorz](
- Suppressed warnings and deprecation notices for Java [\1107]( ([adrian-kong](
- Fix Bitfield Ranges in MSG\_STARTUP [\1106]( ([isaactorz](
- Add a SbpMsgUnknown type in for the sbp\_msg\_type\_t enum [\1105]( ([lkloh](
- Add Message API Change Validation [\1102]( ([isaactorz](

[v4.1.5]( (2022-03-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update CODEOWNERS [\1101]( ([silverjam](
- introduce code owners, pull request template [\1100]( ([silverjam](
- Make integer to enum conversion explicit [\1098]( ([fpezzinosn](

[v4.1.4]( (2022-03-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- build\(deps\): bump ajv from 6.6.1 to 6.12.6 [\1097]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- build\(deps\): bump simple-get from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 [\1096]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- rust: add bitfield types [\1092]( ([notoriaga](

[v4.1.3]( (2022-02-04)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add new update status message [\1095]( ([reimerix](
- Improvements to MSG\_VEL\_COG [\1093]( ([lloydmaza](

[v3.4.13]( (2022-01-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Improvements to MSG\_VEL\_COG [\1094]( ([lloydmaza](

[v4.1.2]( (2021-12-22)

[Full Changelog](

[v3.4.12]( (2021-12-13)

[Full Changelog](

[v4.1.1]( (2021-12-11)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix bit masks for new COG message [\1091]( ([silverjam](

[v4.1.0]( (2021-12-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Typo fix in [\1089]( ([jtec](
- Create new COG/SOG message [\1088]( ([lloydmaza](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Added variable to disable RTTI in RapidCheck \(\106\) [\1087]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - \[ESD-2257\] Move archive util to common cmake repo \(\105\) [\1086]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- \[ESD-2250\] Encode/decode functions in cpp message traits [\1085]( ([woodfell](
- \[ESD-2242\] Fix integer promotion issues in generated macros [\1083]( ([woodfell](

[v3.4.11]( (2021-12-10)

[Full Changelog](


- Create new COG/SOG message [\1088]( ([lloydmaza](

[v4.0.3]( (2021-10-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- rust: support Result\<Sbp\> in with\_rover\_time [\1084]( ([notoriaga](

[v4.0.2]( (2021-10-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix crc calculation bug \[DEVINFRA-568\] [\1081]( ([silverjam](

[v4.0.1]( (2021-10-08)

[Full Changelog](

Addressed release bug, Python and JavaSccript modules were not updated. Rust
sbp2json was prepped for release to

[v4.0.0]( (2021-10-08)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- sbp.dll doesnt export symbols [\1062](

**Merged pull requests:**

- rust: Use minimum internal buffer size of 128b [\1080]( ([silverjam](
- rust: add len method to SbpMessage [\1078]( ([notoriaga](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add Profiling to Unit Tests \(\102\) [\1077]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- expose parsing messages from frames [\1075]( ([notoriaga](
- \[ESD-2180\] clang-tidy improvements [\1074]( ([woodfell](
- rust: update to swiftnav 0.6.1 [\1073]( ([silverjam](
- rust: release cleanup [\1071]( ([notoriaga](
- Rust: callback based message handler [\1070]( ([notoriaga](
- windows dll update [\1069]( ([RReichert](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Merge pull request \99 from swift-nav/lkloh/always\_allow\_track\_origins [\1067]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Fix windows library install directory [\1061]( ([RReichert](
- Dockerfile: Use Ubuntu focal [\1059]( ([jayvdb](
- Fix spelling and copyright year [\1058]( ([jayvdb](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add [\1057]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Portability project [\1000]( ([RReichert](

[v3.4.10]( (2021-07-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- rust: Derive clone for GpsTimeError [\1052]( ([notoriaga](
- Add orthometric height to MSG\_POS\_LLH\_ACC [\1050]( ([jbangelo](
- don't stop converters when they encounter an error [\1049]( ([notoriaga](
- docker: sync with github actions [\1047]( ([silverjam](
- change SBP table to use decimal instead of hex [\1043]( ([silverjam](
- Define new message for unbounded accuracy [\1038]( ([richarddeurloo](
- build.gradle: Fix gradle 4 compatibility [\1037]( ([jayvdb](
- build.gradle: Add coverage reporting [\1036]( ([jayvdb](
- Reformat java using AOSP style [\1035]( ([jayvdb](
- Add SonarCloud Github Action [\1034]( ([jayvdb](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - memcheck\_xml2junit\ Remove redundancy [\1033]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Java CI: Add GITHUB\_TOKEN to sonarqube task [\1032]( ([jayvdb](
- build.gradle: Add sonarcloud [\1030]( ([jayvdb](
- javascript: Replace var with let [\1029]( ([jayvdb](
- Javascript tests: Remove code duplication [\1028]( ([jayvdb](
- Javascript lint fixes [\1027]( ([jayvdb](
- Python lint fixes 2 [\1026]( ([jayvdb](
- Python lint fixes [\1025]( ([jayvdb](

[v3.4.9]( (2021-07-14)

Release yanked, do not use.

[v3.4.8]( (2021-06-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Broken pyusb dependency on Python 2.x [\982](
- Restart the serial thread [\970](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - SV4-144 update googleflags \(\83\) [\1010]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- rust: impl TryFrom\<SBP\> for all messages [\1009]( ([notoriaga](
- rust: fix parsing of invalid sbp [\992]( ([notoriaga](
- Correct spec for fwd\_payload member of MSG\_FWD [\991]( ([woodfell](
- Correct docs for read dir resp [\989]( ([woodfell](
- docker: add clang for rust build [\987]( ([silverjam](
- rust: support encoding borrowed messages [\986]( ([notoriaga](
- Fix Java parsing and generate tests [\985]( ([jayvdb](
- Add support for construct 2.9.52 and 2.10 [\984]( ([jayvdb](
- Auto generate cpp tests [\980]( ([woodfell](
- Add three message test specs [\977]( ([jayvdb](
- sbpjson: Sync generated code [\976]( ([jayvdb](
- Tidy generated tests [\975]( ([jayvdb](
- Remove unused test spec from python/ [\974]( ([jayvdb](
- Remove haskell from python CI [\973]( ([jayvdb](
- python: Run coverage and parameterize test cases [\972]( ([jayvdb](
- Add tcp\_2sigma\_example [\971]( ([dgburr](
- Python: Detect and Fix pyflakes errors, and remove broken to\_binary [\969]( ([jayvdb](
- add gps\_time method [\967]( ([notoriaga](
- Fix docs [\929]( ([jayvdb](

[v3.4.7]( (2021-04-30)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix the bit field values in the SSR APC message [\968]( ([jbangelo](
- Revert formatting changes [\965]( ([woodfell](
- Add more test specs [\963]( ([woodfell](
- Process solution\_meta in javascript bindings [\962]( ([woodfell](
- Don't cast function pointers to void\* [\961]( ([woodfell](
- SSR documentation clarification [\960]( ([scarcanague](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - added RLM third party library \(\81\) [\958]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- New PL message draft [\957]( ([reimerix](
- Add clang-format to docker image [\956]( ([woodfell](
- Fix auto generated tests [\955]( ([woodfell](
- Turn on auto formatting [\954]( ([woodfell](
- Support Gradle 7 [\953]( ([jayvdb](
- Clarify units used in MSG\_LINUX\_SYS\_STATE message [\952]( ([dgburr](
- Fix building of rust tools in Docker [\951]( ([dgburr](
- Default to unbuffered output [\950]( ([notoriaga](
- python: add python 3.9 to tox [\948]( ([silverjam](
- cherry-pick release 3.4.6 release notes and versions [\947]( ([silverjam](
- generator: mark intermediate versions as alpha [\946]( ([silverjam](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - code coverage overhaul \(\79\) [\945]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- package.json: Unpin binary-parser [\944]( ([jayvdb](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Set default C11 \(\78\) [\943]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 [\942]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- use binascii instead of plain python [\941]( ([silverjam](
- Install tox with apt-get [\940]( ([notoriaga](
- Specify unit of mem\_total in MSG\_LINUX\_SYS\_STATE [\939]( ([IsakTjernberg](
- Propagate parse errors [\937]( ([notoriaga](
- Add option to disable input buffering [\935]( ([notoriaga](
- python: fix call\_git\_describe in sbp.version [\932]( ([silverjam](
- Run all Python tests without numpy [\931]( ([jayvdb](
- Remove python-jit [\930]( ([jayvdb](
- Add get\_message\_name function to SBPMessage .rs [\925]( ([john-michaelburke](
- Add Satellite APC message [\902]( ([jbangelo](
- Dzollo/ins status one page [\888]( ([denniszollo](
- Dzollo/sender id notes [\887]( ([denniszollo](

[v3.4.6]( (2021-04-02)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- JavaScript build error in serialport [\927](
- cmake/common/\* missing in source archives [\862](
- Problem making Java version on Windows [\847](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add INS status mode [\926]( ([reimerix](
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 [\924]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- Update docs on how to compile Libsbp [\923]( ([lkloh](
- fix SBP docs [\922]( ([lkloh](
- undid previous commit [\920]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Update OSR flag in the SBP docs [\918]( ([lkloh](
- Add timestamped versions of resource usage messages [\917]( ([IsakTjernberg](
- cmake - Trigger submodules, json encoded [\916]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Bitfield macros [\915]( ([denniszollo](
- cmake - remove no strict aliasing from common compile flags \(\75\) [\914]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- check - Merge pull request \307 from jflopezfernandez/docs/format-github-readme [\913]( ([akleeman](
- Pin npm to version 6 in CI stage [\910]( ([woodfell](
- Common compile flags [\909]( ([woodfell](
- cmake - add swiftlets\_ENABLE\_TEST\_LIBS [\908]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Fix the documented offset for fixed length arrays [\904]( ([jbangelo](
- Add support for Windows in the Java portion of the Makefile. [\901]( ([john-michaelburke](
- Replace fail\_unless with ck\_assert\_msg [\900]( ([reimerix](
- c: toggle C++ on to fix configure error [\899]( ([silverjam](
- cmake - clang-format-diff: compare to most recent tag on current branch \(\73\) [\898]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- add workaround for MinGW GCC bug [\897]( ([silverjam](
- cmake - clang-format-diff improvements [\895]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- python: better PEP 508 compliance [\894]( ([silverjam](
- Add generic system status reporting message [\885]( ([gsmcmullin](
- Add async rust parser [\884]( ([notoriaga](

[v3.4.5]( (2020-12-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- docker: update docs for most recent tag [\891](
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 [\890](
- Add environment markers to requirements.txt [\889](
- Add B2a to list of signals available in MSG\_OBS [\886](
- Clean up Rust parser implementation [\883](
- new flags for fixed fuzed rate [\880](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Disable pal test libs by default \(\70\) [\879](
- Bump check submodule [\878](
- Specify that 0xFFFF is used to indicate invalid PDOP/HDOP/VDOP [\877](
- Dzollo/vehicle metadata flags [\876](
- Update documentation for week rollover on odometry message timestamps [\875](
- Revert "odometry: add flags for fwd, park and reverse" [\874](
- update sol in default sensor type [\873](
- odometry: add flags for fwd, park and reverse [\872](

[v3.4.4]( (2020-10-12)

[Full Changelog](

[v3.4.3]( (2020-10-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Guillaume/sen 444/change age gnss type in solnmeta [\871](
- Per graphic design rec., switch to Roboto [\870](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add possibility to log total memory from profiling tools into a file [\865](
- Updates to solution meta message [\864](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Starling third party fix \(\65\) [\861](
- Fix example SBP message in SBP Specification [\860](

[v3.4.2]( (2020-09-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- rust: add explicit to\_string for SbpString [\859](
- fixup font issue [\858](
- Bump cmake \(back\) to most recent. [\857](
- Fix java examples so they at least compile [\855](
- Add Python 3.5/3.8 to libsbp builder, update ARM [\854](
- fix tox tests for Python 3.5 [\853](
- Add bits for ins motion state [\845](

[v3.4.1]( (2020-09-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Normalize contact addresses [\852](
- python: add reconnect logic to network write [\851](

[v3.4.0]( (2020-09-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - Change implementation of working directory [\850](
- use generic class if message is unknown, replace on unicode errors [\849](
- Fix bugs in Java array decoding [\848](
- Improve SBP protocol PDF documentation [\844](
- SSR Lat/Lon sign [\842](
- generate bitfield macros [\841](

[v3.3.1]( (2020-08-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- json2json: maintain fields other than "data" [\843](

[v3.3.0]( (2020-08-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge starling output changes to master [\840](
- Update SSR Tile IDs [\839](
- Guillaume/so 6/quick update group meta [\836](
- Update the docs and reorder bits for readability [\835](
- Update SSR atmo correction messages to allow multiple tiles. [\834](
- Make alignment status flags more sensible [\833](
- Add SOLN\_META message for Fuzed Wagon [\832](
- Update LICENSE to MIT [\831](
- Update docs and description for FastStart specs [\829](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add additional profiling tools [\827](
- Dzollo/pyserial timeout remove [\821](
- Update [\820](
- Clarify the ephemeris IOD definitions [\814](

[v3.2.0]( (2020-07-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- SBP 2 NMEA implementation [\828](
- Add time offset message [\826](
- python: remove generation of the sbp.jit \_payload\_size method [\825](
- Guillaume/so 7/add leader group message [\824](
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 [\822](
- bump cmake to master [\819](

[v3.1.2]( (2020-07-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- python: remove accidental numpy import [\818](
- cmake - Standardize system include targets [\817](

[v3.1.1]( (2020-06-08)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Dzollo/python sender id whitelist [\813](
- README typos, pin deps for sbp2json in Cargo.lock [\812](

[v3.1.0]( (2020-05-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Explicitly flush stdout [\809](
- Add INS update status message [\808](
- Support building with ARMCC [\807](

[v3.0.1]( (2020-05-22)

[Full Changelog](

[v3.0.0]( (2020-05-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Rust parser does not continue parsing after CRC error [\793](
- JSONLogIterator uses generators improperly [\716](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Auto submodule update: cmake - Merge pull request \57 from swift-nav/joint-work/valgrind-integration [\806](
- Handle invalid UTF-8 sequences [\805](
- Public receive method in SBPFramer Java class [\804](
- rust: derive clone [\803](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add FindSwiftlets.cmake \(\53\) [\800](
- Improve how the rust parser handles errors [\798](
- Fix IMURAW docstring [\797](
- npm audit fix [\796](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Merge pull request \51 from swift-nav/lkloh\_cmake [\795](
- Fix-up Python binding generation [\794](

[v2.8.0]( (2020-04-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix JavaScript security warning [\791](
- rust: implement sbp2json, json2sbp, json2json [\790](
- INFRA-137: wrap integer gets in parens [\789](
- rust: nom parsing fix-up for eof error [\788](

[v2.7.7]( (2020-03-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- rust: expose crc errors [\786](
- File playback driver [\782](

[v2.7.6]( (2020-03-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update haskell installation instructions [\785](
- Nojit fixes and unit testing [\784](
- Add IMU type code for ST ASM330LLH [\783](

[v2.7.5]( (2020-03-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add library support to read and write SBP files [\780](
- Fixed crashing bug in Python release

[v2.7.4]( (2020-02-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Dzollo/expand sbp json payload [\779](
- Dzollo/sen 138/wheel odometry [\778](
- Add message for accumulated wheeltick count [\777](
- Record total bytes read/written in python sbp driver [\775](
- tcp\_example error fix \(signed /unsigned mismatch\) [\774](
- Disallow copying of State [\773](
- Dockerfile for building libsbp binding. Uses debian buster. [\772](
- Add message for tropo and iono with variances. [\771](
- Changed the CMake to install all headers [\770](
- Bump cmake to master. [\769](
- Fixed a few minor typos in the comments for the C++ wrapper classes [\768](
- Added classes for handling specific frame types and any frame [\767](
- Dzollo/star 748/position messages [\766](
- Added virtual destructor to sbp::State [\765](
- updated swift libraries with namespace [\764](
- Changes needed to libsbp for road runner [\763](
- Revert "Add stddev to SSR atmospheric messages. \(\759\)" [\761](
- Moved the rust example inside of the sbp crate [\760](
- Add variances to SSR atmospheric messages. [\759](
- Example: rust message serialization plus trait to\_frame method [\758](
- Add rust message serialization [\755](

[v2.7.3]( (2019-11-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- sbp2rinex does not generate valid rinex when using toJson\(\) method from [\720](

**Merged pull requests:**


Not secure
- Allow max reconnects to be specified as a parameter [\756](
- Miscellaneous clean up of Rust bindings [\754](
- Get rust example building [\753](
- Cannot compare int and NoneType in python3 [\752](
- Added check for a couple of needed commands to build rust. [\750](
- Added typescript module declaration file [\749](
- Changed C++ wrapper to not require non-const access to the buffer when sending [\748](
- Added optional serialize feature to rust crate [\747](
- Update check [\746](
- Add unit tests for Rust [\745](
- Fix compiler warnings found in libsettings build [\743](
- Import libcheck as submodule [\742](
- Remove extra \\ from non-printable escaping [\741](
- Use common test targets module [\740](
- Add C++ support [\739](
- Fix Rust generation to generate in the same order [\738](
- Add proposed Protection Level message [\737](
- Star 833 [\736](
- Generate JSON schema definitions for web clients [\735](
- Update libsbp ARM builders [\733](
- Modify to work with Rust's bindgen [\706](

[v2.7.1]( (2019-09-20)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Version 2.7.1 [\732](
- Remove explicit Python 2 build in dist/deploy sciprt [\731](

[v2.7.0]( (2019-09-19)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- libsbp version 2.7.0 [\730](
- Replace ujson with rapidjson [\729](
- Make a msg\_buff pointer for backwards compatibility [\728](
- Remove file. [\726](
- Frame callback implementation & tests [\725](
- JSONLogIterator - Fix the iteration if the JSON is already unwrapped [\724](
- Dynamic import generator output modules [\722](
- Changing java CRC16 class modifiers to enable external access \(\720\) [\721](
- Fix up SSR atmospherics documentation [\719](
- Remove lodash from JavaScript deps [\717](
- Initial rust implementation [\714](
- Remove redundant field. [\713](
- Support running w/o Numba/Numpy installed [\712](
- Add code coverage [\710](
- Update requests to resolve security issue [\708](

[v2.6.5]( (2019-07-03)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- libsbp v2.6.5 [\711](
- Pin minor rev versions, security fix for requests [\709](

[v2.6.4]( (2019-06-27)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- cmake error while installing libsbp - include could not find load file [\705](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update [\707](
- SSR STEC and gridded correction message refinements [\704](
- Change ssr\_update\_interval to u8. [\703](
- Purge llvmlite and numba dependencies from generated Python code [\702](
- Don't use hardcoded include/link paths [\701](

[v2.6.3]( (2019-06-11)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Version 2.6.3 [\700](
- Move sbp2json to libsbp from piksi\_tools [\699](
- Deprecate MSG\_INIT\_BASE [\698](

[v2.6.2]( (2019-06-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- v2.6.2 [\697](

[v2.6.1]( (2019-06-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Version 2.6.1 [\696](
- Add QZSS eph [\695](
- Import standard cmake modules, standardise dependency resolution [\692](

[v2.6.0]( (2019-06-05)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- libsbp release 2.6.0 [\694](
- Remove unused build\_test\ [\693](
- Integrate numba into setuptools [\687](
- Added three new messages for gridded atmospheric SSR corrections. [\686](

[v2.5.5]( (2019-05-16)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- MSG\_INIT\_BASE / Hotstart with known Position [\681](

**Merged pull requests:**

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