In 2.0.1 the `cookiecutter` jinja2 variable has been extended with a new
`_output_dir` key. In scaraplate this is some random dir in a temp space,
so having it in the template context is unwanted, because it would cause
the target project to be updated with the random tempdir on each rollup.
So in order to support cookiecutter>=2.0.1 you need to make a change in
your scaraplate template, where you write your cookiecutter context.
Suppose you have the following in your `.scaraplate.conf`:
{%- for key, value in cookiecutter.items()|sort %}
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
{%- endfor %}
Then you need to add an exclusion for the `_output_dir` var, like this:
{%- for key, value in cookiecutter.items()|sort %}
{%- if key not in ('_output_dir',) %}
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}