What's Changed
* Add naive str and dict translation by Lolimpo in https://github.com/Lolimpo/schemax/pull/1
* Add array and object to d42 schemas translation; Minor fixes; Add some tests by Lolimpo in https://github.com/Lolimpo/schemax/pull/2
* Alpha bugfixes; Add more tests by Lolimpo in https://github.com/Lolimpo/schemax/pull/3
* Fix first tag naming according to PEP-0440 (4); Remove sandbox.py by Lolimpo in https://github.com/Lolimpo/schemax/pull/5
* Add schemax cli-inteface by Lolimpo in https://github.com/Lolimpo/schemax/pull/7
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Lolimpo/schemax/commits/0.2.0rc1